We are prayerfully asking that God's people be the answer to freedom for our children. Thank you for thinking about the best way to meet those needs. 
From founders Dominique & Jim: 
We are always thankful for the growing number of volunteers that donate their Saturday mornings to clean, garden, do plumbing, carpentry and remodeling. We are thankful for all the prayers and encouragement we have received as we continue walking out this mission that God has called us to. We can feel those prayers and HE continues to show up and equip us as we move forward. 
While sometimes we feel like this is taking forever to finalize, God keeps showing us that He is ordering our steps and answering our prayers. Please continue to pray for us to be a recipient of one of the grants and bring the right people, companies, and organizations along to partner with us as we focus on raising the funds necessary to open the doors. 
Our accountant has shared that it will require $300,000 and monthly contributions of $30,000 for us to be able to open the doors. Those are huge numbers but we serve a big call and we are called to act on that belief. We share these numbers now so that when it is done, we can let this be a testimony and bring glory to God as He is the ultimate provider. We know that if He has placed this calling on our heart, it's on His heart, as well. Watch Him do it, friends. 
The Bridge needs you! Will you partner with us and commit to donate monthly? 
This month we are focused on increasing our monthly donations so we will be prepared as we get closer to welcoming our first seven girls. We need funds to support operating costs. We don't enjoy asking for money but we know that God is calling us to step out in faith and walk out what He has already called DONE. We know all things are possible and He will provide. To donate please go here or reply to this email: Set up donations here
Are you interested in doing more with The Bridge?
Volunteers Needed
We are currently looking for passionate volunteers to help us with upcoming fundraising events and to reach out to businesses in the community. If this is something you would enjoy doing, we would love to talk with you more. 
Thank you for partnering with us and fasting in September. Several are asking about an update re: the grants. Reward announcements are now delayed until Dec 31. Please keep praying. 
Be on the lookout next month to learn more about what we have planned for January 22, 2022. 
Join the Blue Campaign and help us get the word out about human trafficking.
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