How do you create your content?
What does the process look like?
Is it something put together last minute? Or is it planned in advance?
Do you start with the end in mind, a feeling or just follow the ideas and see where they take you?
Because there is no right or wrong when it comes to creating content… even content that we create for the sake of creating content teaches us something. 
There's a simple way and a harder way - that's decided by how we feel about content and what we choose to do that comes with ease.
For that, we need to experiment and determine if we like it enough to get better at it. 
Imagine standing in front of a new food - you can have expectations or speculate whether you're going to like it or not… But the only thing that will settle the debate and dissolve the unknown is trying it out.
What is something that you've been putting off because of expectations, uncertainty or the unknown?
Off to my annual car inspection. Catch you in the next one!



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