Issue 17 | Oct. 21st, 2021 |

Reify 8&21

Welcome to your 3-minute pause. 

Let's focus on your practice of pursuing awesome.

I love calendaring. 
(Yup, that’s a verb!)
For me, it all started with a wall calendar that had stickers (who didn’t love stickers?!) to mark holidays, special occasions, and responsibilities.
Sarah Egan Warren
By junior high, I was carefully selecting babysitting jobs that did not conflict with school dances or sleepovers—
girl had her priorities!
I learned the hard way that if I filled my calendar with too many babysitting jobs, there would be no time for spending that money on movies or dances. 
Flip the page to today, and we all know how easy it is to fill a calendar. Obligations, responsibilities, and other people’s priorities can suck up every single space on your calendar. 
Using my calendar wisely instead of the calendar using me has taken some practice. 

 “You have to calendar time for yourself, even if you have no idea what you're going to do with it.”
- Susie Bright, recipient of the 2017 Humanist Feminist Award

Now, I intentionally carve out space on my calendar to hold sacred blocks of time for my life priorities. 
Work, outside projects, errands, and chores WILL still be there when I am done with family dinner, taking an extra long hike with the dog, attempting to meditate, laughing with a friend, gardening (see Issue #15, my loofahs are almost ready to be harvested!), relaxing...
Even if you don’t love calendaring as much as I do, here’s to finding your best way to protect chunks of time to care and tend to yourself.
- Sarah Egan Warren, Co-Editor of Reify 8&21

The rebellious act 
of choosing you.
"it's ok to take small steps and deep breaths, love…
but also, let yourself start to take up your space.
and don't you dare say you're sorry when you do.
and you'll be rejected for these wings, these fires,
for this sweet and wild rebellion in you.
but these are such. beautiful. things.
so keep choosing you…"
Excerpt from “the sweet and wild rebellion in you", a poem by Butterflies Rising.

Calendaring as self-respect.
“Character—the willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life—is the source from which self-respect springs.”
- American writer and cultural icon Joan Didion

“I've learned that making a ‘living’ is not the same as ‘making a life’.” 
- Maya Angelou

The key is to find what works for your calendar.
"My natural state is rebellion. Trying to adhere to a strict, time-based schedule just does not work for me. I’ve tried variations on ultra-scheduling, time blocking, and all the related methods and my brain just refuses to follow them. And my lack of adherence to that schedule just stresses me out and kills my productivity entirely for the day. I end up getting less done than just having a to-do list or *gasp* winging it... 
All of this adds up to a really tough time trying to do any kind of time blocking in the traditional sense. Which is why I came up with an alternative method of time blocking. One that incorporates flexibility automatically."
Author, editor, coach Cameron Chapman in her Medium article, "Creative Rebel Planning System"

Calendars aren't just for meetings.
We asked Dr. Sackeena Gordon-Jones, Master Certified Coach, if she could share something “in-progress” she's working on:
The degree to which I value myself. I have a tendency to put everyone else before myself, and then self-care diminishes. Now 
I put my energy management as a priority in my calendar.”

Calendaring as caring.
When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.”
- Psychiatrist Jean Shinoda Bolen, 
author of Like a Tree: How Trees, Women, and Tree People Can Save the Planet

If calendaring can be a fierce, rebellious act of self-love, what's up next on your schedule?


Great job!

Way to take a pause and give 3 minutes to your practice of pursuing awesome with this issue's theme. You rock!

Want more from our inspiring feature?
For more inspiring quotes and stories from this issue's Spotlight feature, check out the Reify Spotlight Series post: 

Reify 8&21 is a digital publication 

intentionally sent on the 8th and 21st
to disrupt your status-quo 

with an encouraging reset.


Photo Credits: 
Photo of Jean Shinoda Bolen from the cover of her book, Like a Tree: How Trees, Women, and Tree People Can Save the Planet