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Happy New Year, First name / Friend
I hope you had some time for rest and reconnection over the holidays. Undoubtedly sharing stories, enjoying too much good food, and taking photos with family and friends you only see a few times a year. 
As the calendar flips into the new year, it's natural to think about setting resolutions and creating habits that make us more intentional with our time. Maybe you set resolutions, maybe you don't. But what if one of your resolutions for 2022 is to finally get your photos to a state that brings you JOY instead of leaving you feeling OVERWHELMED and STRESSED? Imagine the time you would save if, within seconds, you're able to find the specific video or vacation pic you're looking for…. then imagine how you'll feel when your photos are properly backed up, safe from loss. Happy? Relieved? Grateful?
I know you're thinking your mess is too big and you have too many photos to even think about the finish line, but isn't this how all projects start? It feels impossible until it's not and suddenly you can't remember why you were so reluctant to begin in the first place. 
Here are some of the ways you can tame your photo chaos in 2022:
So many possibilities, right? You have all these photos and memories, it makes sense to make sense of them! 
Whether you have digital photos, photo albums, scrapbooks, negatives, slides, home videos, or all of the above - together we can create a plan to make sure your photos + videos are living their best life. Wouldn't it be nice for “Enjoy Photos” to be at the top of the list of resolutions you keep this year?
There’s always so much happening and life moves far too fast, but we can’t forget to appreciate the things that bring us joy! Make time to do this FOR YOU this year, or focus on a project for someone you love. 
Thank you for letting me help you work toward a more organized, simplified life. You lived the moments, now let's protect your memories.
xo, Kari

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