Read it until the end 
Hi First name / you
Sales is not any easy thing and we get it. 
As Black Friday comes around the corner, we have an amazing sales strategy for you. 
First of all, do you know that Black Friday is the most popular weekend in the world for shopping? Of course you know, you've gotten all those emails from companies and they go all in. Do you know why? Because they always make a ton of money during Black Friday. 
Some businesses make as much as 6 months revenue on that day so it's a big deal! For context, In 2020, Thanksgiving weekend (Turkey Day through Cyber Monday) drew 186.4 million U.S. shoppers. That is massive! 
If you haven't taken advantage of Black Friday before, that's fine. We are here with a strategy for this year. And it is so simple we will put it in steps. 
  1. Send a general email or even DMs (copied and pasted if doing it manually) to all your previous customers and telling them you will love their opinion on their experience shopping with you as the company is consistently trying to create the best shopping experience for customers and their opinion is valued.
  2. Once they respond, send them a voucher for a discount or a gift card. From the experiences of members of our community, Gift cards convert higher in cases of physical products as people love the idea of being gifted cash. There are Applications out there you could use in creating virtual gift cards. For you, discounts and gift cards operate similarly. Your customers will simply use the cash amount on the card to shop on your website.
  3. Oh we aren't done. You will get some negative feedback and that's okay, apologize and let the customer know that you will rectify this and thank them for their valuable feedback.  Then this next step is important ---- take screenshots of all the positive feedback and put them all over your social media channels giving people an incentive to shop with you.
You can add this strategy to any other Black Friday strategy you already have. You can have multiple! Strategy is what gets sales so make sure you always double down on strategy instead of “spray and pray”. 
What you have done by following the steps above is use Social Proof to create Trust and as our friend Joojo always says, trust opens wallets
Finally, if you are looking to start a business or have already started and feel stuck, our Jumpstart Bundle is still open and you can read about it here. We still have a few spots left and will close it as soon as we reach capacity. 
What do you get with the program? 
  1. Two hour session on starting a business
  2. One hour session on Product Development strategy
  3. One bonus session on Paid Ads for beginners
  4. One bonus session on using growth strategies from big tech companies
  5. Ebook on introduction to automation for your online business
  6. Access to a 4-week Accountability Group to keep you on track 
For members of the Scale Exclusive Circle, you of course have a special discount . Please reach out to Promise for the code. 