Have you ever had an idea that you wanted to materialize? Either in the form of a course, a post, a masterclass, an event or even an article… but you kept pushing it back?
Maybe you never “found the time” to do it. Or something else always showed up right before you sat down to get that done.
And so, months went by. That idea still there, somewhere, floating inside your mind without having found a home in the “real world”.
Although you don't feel it affecting your life, you are and always have been drawn to completion. It is in our human nature to seek completion, to close the loop.
That is why when you can't remember a name for instance, your brain keeps searching in the background and the name comes to you later on.
I have been in this place so many times and it kind of felt like I was not doing what I said I would do… losing trust in myself bit by bit. 
Until, one day, as I was pouring coffee in my Start me Up cup, I had had enough: 
“Tini, do you really want to create this or not? Cause if you don't, then at least you will free up space in your mind and life to focus on something else. And if you do, then what are you waiting for?”
No more “yeah, I'll do it whenever”. Decision time. “Yes, I do want to create it!”
Created a course script within that very day… after months of having postponed it over and over again.
For 1 day of intentional work.
Yes or no.
The truth is we will always get more ideas and we will always find new projects to work on. And it's ok to let some of those go if that's what we really want.
Have an expansive time and I'll catch you in the next one!



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