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Hey, First name / friends!  
A couple of weeks ago, I challenged you to create hand-lettered art in Procreate. I loved seeing what you came up with! For this week's #CreateWithCatCoq challenge, let's try a new medium - brush lettering!
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A lot of people feel intimidated by brush lettering. Lots of my students have told me that they feel nervous to try it since they don't have good handwriting. I totally understand this because my handwriting is absolute chicken scratch!
But I'm going to let you in on a little secret...You don't actually have to have good handwriting to create beautiful hand lettering. 
The key is to think of the letterforms as an illustration and not as something you're writing on the page. This helps you put more intentionality behind your lettering and results in beautiful illustrations regardless of what your handwriting looks like.
Are you still wondering where the heck to start with lettering? I've got you covered! In this blog post tutorial, I go over brush lettering and calligraphy basics that will help you as you're learning to letter!  
Brush lettered pieces are some of the best sellers in my portfolio, so if you're interested in selling your art online this is a lucrative skill to learn. Even if you're not interested in the commercial side of things, lettering is just plain fun! It's so therapeutic too!
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I can't wait to see your lettered pieces this week. Share them on Instagram using the hashtag #CreateWithCatCoq and tag me @catcoq so I can see what you make! 

Announcing my new immersive Chroma Course with Skillshare!
I am absolutely thrilled to announce that I am teaching a live Chroma Course starting on January 3rd with Skillshare. This is a four-week program for artists of all levels who want to learn how to paint modern style watercolors and turn those paintings into a side income through art licensing. 
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This is unlike any course I've taught before. The experience will include live group Zoom calls, class lessons, assignments, and live discussions with plenty of direct feedback from me. Plus, you'll be working alongside other creatives and building an amazing community along the way.
If you're ready to take your painting and creative business skills to the next level, I'd love to see you in the Chroma Course. You can learn more about it here. I hope to see you inside!
I hope your week is off to a fantastic start!

xo, Cat

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