It’s the middle of November, and where I live, we're in a run of balmy, light-struck days. It can’t last, I know that, but I try to absorb every sighting of dolphins feeding in a nearby creek, flocks of pelicans fighting for scraps from shrimp boats at the dock, sun shimmering on silky water. To store it up against the coming cold. On my walks with a friend, we follow Rosie, her Dog with a Mind of Her Own, where she leads. Rosie meanders, sniffs, and trots toward her mysterious goal, and it forces us to pause our own urgent, pointless busy-ness and simply follow. To sit on a bench and turn our faces up to the sun for a dose of Vitamin D. To match our gait to the dog’s. To gossip while Rosie collects all the news from dogs who have passed and pissed before her. To marvel. This slowness is a gift. I’m taking mental snapshots of this irreplaceable land our leaders are content to destroy. I’m thinking of tides coming and going, leaves falling, moons waxing and waning. And I’m storing up righteous anger to fuel the coming fight to save our one and only wounded world.
Need a moment of Zen? Click here. Or go deeper by listening/watching “Sit By the Fire,” an excerpt from Music for Psychedelic Therapy on YouTube by Jon Hopkins with Ram Dass and East Forest. Transformative plants not required.
I didn’t grow up eating rice or grits, which is standard fare where I live now. In Kentucky, it was mashed potatoes, fried potatoes, potatoes, potatoes, potatoes. I miss them! I’m hoping to persuade my daughter to include a Martini Mashed Potato Bar at Christmas. In fact, that would be the complete perfect dinner to me. Here’s a classic recipe for mashed potatoes from the venerable Silver Palate cookbook, and a Home Movie version from Alison Roman, who I love to watch even if I don’t try the recipes.
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I whipped through The Dark Hours by Michael Connelly at warp speed because I couldn’t put it down. It’s the latest novel featuring LA detective Renee Ballard and her mentor, retired detective Harry Bosch. I’ve read all four of the Ballard books, and now I’m going back to start the original Harry Bosch series from the beginning. I’m never happier than when I have a whole unread series to look forward to.
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Holiday Panic Button #2: A little bottle of Jot goes a long way and makes a great stocking stuffer. A tablespoon of this liquid coffee concentrate can be mixed with water or milk to make an americano, espresso, latte, iced coffee or whatever version of coffee you prefer. I use it for my one-cup-a-day when I’m too lazy to use and clean the French press. ple bell. 
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Click Below for My Everyday Beatitudes…What are Yours? 

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