st. peter's chelsea

An Invitation To A Holy Advent
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One of my favorite things to give to people at the start of Advent. Salt of the Earth: A Christian Seasons Calendar that uses the seasons of the church calendar instead of calendar months alongside images for a diverse group of artists. (Art: Patrick Foster, “There Comes One Mightier Than I”)

The Benedictine monk David Steindl-Rast writes that a season is less about an exact period of time and more “a mood and experience…Seasons are qualitative experiences: We sense a subtle difference in the quality of light, the length of daylight, the feel of the air on our skin. We know intuitively that something is happening in nature.” Crisp autumn air feels different than the hot long days of summer, the frigid barrenness of winter and the freshness of spring. 
Seasons are about kairos time. Chronos is the Greek word for chronological time while kairos is about time as opportunity or encounter. While our standard calendars measure chronos, the church calendar is all about kairos, “the fullness of time,” as its expressed in Scripture. It is an invitation to both opportunity and encounter because when we orient our lives to its rhythms, when we inhabit its narrative arc, we open ourselves up to encounter the One who stands at the center of the Story. 
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The poetry of Drew Jackson in response to the verdict on Wednesday. We are highlighting his book of  poetry God Speaks Through Wombs: Poems on God's Unexpected Coming as our Advent devotional.(Instagram: @d.jacksonpoetics

This Sunday marks the beginning of the church calendar with Advent.  Advent's theme are about longing, waiting, expectation for the coming of the Messiah, for all to be made right, in our own lives and the world we live in. It is about holding the tension of the “already not yet” of God's kingdom where the kingdom of God is already at hand, yet not here in all of its fullness. It's about not trying to prematurely resolve the tension but to hold it with brutal, clear-eyed honesty in light of the promises and character of God, and allow it to transform us. 
When I heard the verdict on Wednesday that all three men were found guilty in Ahmaud Arbery's death, I felt relief in a right judgment, alongside skepticism about “trusting the system" that has gotten it wrong too many times; thankful that his family received accountability for his death alongside sorrow that he is no longer with them. We hold the tension and actively wait for the God who comes in the midst of them. And so I invite you to inhabit Advent, with whatever tensions you are holding this season, along with a special invitation below. 
Come Lord Jesus, 

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Explore the season of Advent - the waiting, the hope, the peace, the joy - in this 4 part children's ministry series! Bring the kids for a fully interactive storymakers adventure! 
Attend one or all! Sunday - November 28th, December 5,12, and 19th at 10AM 

Advent Retreat: 
God Speaks Through Wombs

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We're excited to partner with Hope Church East Village for a 3-part 
Advent Retreat: God Speaks Through Wombs. As we dive into the first 8 chapters of Luke's gospel, we'll reflect on God's unexpected coming, holding tension between a story that begins in the dark and yet promises light. Join us we ponder with Mary, wait with Simeon and rejoice with Elizabeth. 
Save the Dates - Thursdays on December 2nd, 9th, and 16th at 7pm.
Support an independent bookstore by purchasing your copy here. 
Save the Date: Christmas Tree Lighting

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Experience the joy of of the season as we sing and share in the promise of a coming Christ! Hot chocolate and cookies for all from 5 to 7pm. 

Giving and Service Opportunity: 
Toy Drive

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We're partnering with our neighbors at Fulton Houses to bless the children with gifts this holiday season. 
Take a “Christmas Star” home after service and purchase a gift for a child aged newborn to 15. A basket near the greeters table will be available for this purpose and gifts will be collected thru December 12th. 
The Toy Giveaway on Saturday, December 18th presents an opportunity for service. For more info. contact -

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Turn your love of hospitality into an opportunity for service. Help love on our community on Sunday mornings by hosting a coffee hour. Bring your favorite brunch or dessert favorites, provide a smile as you help with food service, or contribute to the fund that provides this offeringl.  For more information contact

Upcoming Events:
Advent & Christmas 
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Wait and Watch with us as we prepare our hearts for Christ's coming. 
Save these important dates. 
Last Sunday's Sermon: 
“In Search of: Truth"

Lisha considers the sacred conversation between Jesus and Pilate in John's gospel. She posits his questioning as the beginning of a spiritual journey.
You can watch her message and all others on our YouTube channel or listen to them on iTunes or Spotify

Something Beautiful

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Featured in this week's bulletin:
Raise Your Head is the work of Lauren Wright Pittman at Lew P. Studio.
Inspired by Luke 21:25-36, it is part of a collection of Advent Art for Year C.
With 2 other friends Pittman created Sanctified Art—a ministry creating visual art resources for churches to use in different liturgical seasons. Their hope is to "expand imagery for Jesus and God so it’s not so narrow." 
In our worship planning meeting we considered another kind of looking. - looking into the darkness and not turning away - looking as a form of confrontational truth. 

Around St. Peter's Chelsea

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The week in a few words -
Advent Chorale in rehearsal
beautiful new reader
food pantry gratitude brunch
the day begins

Blessings for rest and peace this weekend! 

