Last Gallery Night of the year!
festive luminaria + holiday merrymaking
Hi, First name / friend!
We're celebrating the last Gallery Night of the year this Saturday, December 18th. Doors open from 10am - 9pm. Please join us anytime that day or night during our extended open hours!
New on the shelves: Pottery! We recently unloaded a kiln so we've got lots of fresh new pieces around the gallery (and on the website too!) Animals & Icons, the newest show by Robert Clements, will also still be on display throughout the end of the year. 
Candlelit luminaria will line the driveway at dusk.
This Gallery Night will definitely be a nice opportunity to do any last minute shopping for those hard to shop for people on your lists. You know the ones!
Also! (a reminder) If you made ornaments at our November ornament making night, the finished ornaments are all fired and you're welcome to pick them up at the gallery at your convenience. Ready to hang Mineral Point ornaments also for sale.
December 18th. We'll see you there!

wishing you a happy holiday season,

Tom, Diana, &  ClaiRe


(608) 987 - 3669