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Dear First name / VoltaChem follower
With the year rapidly drawing to an end, it is about time for a new VoltaChem Update.
In this edition, you will find multiple news items related to our Power-2-Hydrogen program line, the focus of the third edition of the VoltaChem Power-2-X Tour (29-9). 
You will also read about new Power-2-Chemicals projects, plasma technology - the topic of the fourth edition of our Tour (18-11) -, see our Delft research facilities, and more. 
Interested in joining one of our many projects or events? Let us know!
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A few highlights from our upcoming events:

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We hope you enjoyed reading this VoltaChem Update. Would you like to know more about the VoltaChem program, our projects or events? Please do not hesitate to reach out to myself or my team members.


Stay safe!


With kind regards, 

on behalf of the VoltaChem team,

