Dec 8th, 2021
welcome to the unfolding, a bi-weekly(-ish) newsletter curated from my heart.**  
thank you for unfolding with me. ✨  view past newsletters here.
(5 minute read)

reflections on living & unfolding

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hey y’all,
since November 8th, i’ve felt like i haven’t had a moment to sense myself. between family responsibilities and holiday, i’ve been detached from my body — constantly doing without noticing the weight of my eyes, the hunch of my shoulders, the weakness of my ankles, the tension in my neck until just this week.
i’m noticing how much the American holiday season calls for even more productivity during the seasons where the natural world is preparing for hibernation. we have to produce for family gatherings, holidays, change in seasons, and end-of-year work. American/ capitalistic culture requires, maybe even trains us, to continue moving at an unnatural active rhythm and current. but it’s not just in us, it’s in the way our families, friends, and colleagues associate with us. to be in rhythm we have to detach from our bodies and be around bodies that perpetuate this current with us.
while capitalism and the other -isms ask us to do to have, embodiment asks us to be to live. specifically, what is the body state we are living in and is it the state we want to be in?
take a moment to check in with one or more of the following: your posture, your sense of space (is it vast or close?), your breathing, the weight of your body, places of tension or weakness and even the temperature of different parts of your body. these are what i’m calling attunement points to your body — what is the story your body is telling of the state you are in and the current you're dealing with?
by taking this moment and noticing all of my attunement points, i've gained access to my ability to say yes & no again based on how i feel to make subtle shifts: less computer, less projects, more breathing, reading, and phone calls. i admit this is a privilege especially during capitalism’s peak season, it's also one i didn't realize i had until i tuned in and responsibly/ resourcefully expand to others as i can. i/we can do this season differently even in a small way, we have to decide to tune in and bring others along with us.
self-practice: sit down and check in with your attunement points, what comes up? what's the state you are in? what is the state you want to be in and how can you get closer to it this season despite the current? write it down, make it happen even if for a second.
go deeper: pick one attunement point and check in with it during different activities throughout your week. what do you notice?
what's opening for December

plotting the seeds for fulfillment - 2022
a self-paced, slow drip email series
i'm thinking of re-launching my plotting the seeds to fulfillment email series with some possible improvements. this was a four day, slow drip email self-exploration of what we desire going into this new season/ year while dispelling our internalized illusions of success and failure. each email will contain an audio visualizations for tuning in, a guidance letter, and a self-practice to reveal one's own body widsom on what is explored for the day. self-paced & self-priced with suggested amounts. 
would this be something you'd be into?
learn more and/or get on the list below. 
if enough folks are interested, i'll relaunch it & maybe even have a gathering about it some time early 2022 :)
Indwell Collaborative launch!
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i'm thrilled to announce the launch of my dear friend/ partner Tiffany Curtis' new co.: Indwell Collaborative. i'm also incredibly grateful to be a part of this collaborative, whose whole-listic intention is “to partner with individuals, communities, and teams developing initiatives for change. We are a visioning partner, and our goal is to accompany you towards a felt impact. We dance in the grays* and strive (willingly struggle) to live that out alongside you.” i get chills of goodness just reading that! 
take a deeper look here & if this sparks a project idea, team, group in your mind that we could “dance in the grays” with, invite us in by emailing me/ contacting on the website!
what i'm feelin' lately

- my social media is at zero right now, so these newsletters/ podcasts have been giving me life: Jane's the hypha (for that good wisdom), Spell of Capitalism Daily (for that affirmation), The Outspoken Girlfriend (for that real talk)
- these three books are in my daily rotation and just so juicy: How to Be an Anti-Capitalist in the 21st Century by Erik Olin Wright (for the geek in me), Bodyfulness by Christine Caldwell (to know my body), The Way of Integrity by Martha Beck (to reconnect to my truth)
& may your unfolding be everything you need.
yasmin đź’›

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**curious as to why I may have omitted capitalization? - 

lucille clifton inspired me. bell hooks taught me. & more here.
