Hi friends!
It's good to put your work out into the world and see how the world interacts with it.

It's good to choose a cut-off date for your work to meet the world.
It's good when you believe it is not perfect but good-enough to launch. 
It's good to think of your work as an experiment that could succeed or fail.

It's good to take the lessons learned from your experiment and apply them to the next one.
It's good to use the success of your experiment as a way to get more people on board the next time around.
It's good to have feedback from real people who are using your product or service. 

It's good to take that feedback and enhance your work in the next iteration. 
It's good to trust that you can create such output one more time and go bigger and better if you choose to.

It's good to see your work having a life of its own without your control. 
It's good to go from Do to Done! 
These are some of the lessons I learned hosting my first goal-setting workshop last week. 

If you are interested in attending the next goal-setting workshop planned to take place in early January 2022, reply to this email with the word "interested." And you will be the first to know.

I am also planning an open Q&A podcast episode soon. I would love to receive any questions you have about waking up early, journaling, goals, habits, time management, and women's productivity according to the cycle to answer in the episode. 

Your questions will make the episode very interesting, don't hesitate to reply to this email with your question 🙏

Here is your weekly dose of The Sunday Spark ⚡️ a newsletter listing 5 inspiring things I thought were worth starting your week with: 
  1. Tracking my time: what I learned (and why I won't complain about housework again)
  2. A podcast episode I enjoyed: Finish more goals by asking 1 surprising question!
  3. I am a big believer in deep work; read the book about it (Arabic here) and check this great advice: Ditch the Distractions: How Deep Work Habits Can Improve Your Focus.
  4. This article reminded me why I loved the morning pages so much when I practiced them: Getting up at 5:40 am changed my life and saved my sanity.
  5. My favorite part from the above article is the quote below, which explained to me why I re-commit to waking up at 5 am every November:
"Six years on, winter is still my favourite time. Summer mornings are too loud and bright, the birds and roads too noisy. It feels like there might be other people awake in the world, whereas in winter it feels like it’s only me."
―Helen McNutt

What was your favorite Spark? I am eager to know. Reply to this email or share it with me on social media.
See you next Sunday, First name / my dear friend

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Note: some of the links above may be affiliate links, but always keep in mind that I don’t endorse anything I don’t use and love myself. 



Have a Brilliant Week!


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