Keep inspiring! Keep showing up!
There have been so many moments when I wanted to just give up. Nothing seemed to be working. At least, not in the way that I was expecting things to work.
But then I decided to keep going. To show up, even if I had no other evidence that it mattered except for my own growth.
As I was right there, supporting my team, collecting points, posting like crazy, I receive a notification. Someone had commented on one of my hundreds of posts. This was someone I had never talked to, someone in one of the other teams.
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I've learned so much during this virtual retreat. Not only that messages like this one make me cry ๐Ÿ˜ญ but also:
1. To never give up. To show up. There is always someone being inspired by us. Even if they don't tell us about it right from the beginning.
2. We can do more than we ever thought possible. Provided the right set of circumstances. I was not expecting to write over 20k words in this past week.
3. To invest in our growth and team up with people who compliment our skills so that we stay in our zone of genius and make this world a better place.
Have an expansive time and I'll catch you in the next one!



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