The Erotic Assignment From your Personal Sex Coach
First - Choose a night, DEDICATE a night. I know we all have a million excuses why we can't but lets be real, we just dont. it doesnt have to be a night it can be 2 hours of uninterupted time JUST for this.
Second- Grab fun stuff, cards, sexy foods- think whip cream, chocolate syrup, chocolate dipped strawberries, my personal favorite - fruit roll ups (just wrap half of it around the tip and go to work with that pretty mouth of your to get it off) Just a tip of course! print out a page of ridiculous kamasutra positions & the funniest of sex games you can find on the internet.
Third- Let go of your expectations, this isnt about that. This is about fun & exploring. Theres NO expectation or need for orgasms, its not about that. Its about learning through fun & laughter. Fourth- PLAY! Put fun ridiculous music on and dance out your nerves because whether you are alone or with your partner of a year or partner of 30, we all get them & Im guessing youve really probably never had a no expectations night. Start with drinks, take shots from eachothers belly buttons, or lick something off eachothers nipples. Then lead into something like dirty twister, strip poker, or try those ridiculous positions you printed clothed.
Fifth- Smile, its fun thats what its about remember that feeling of not caring of being free. If you have some sex toy you've never tried thats been hiding under the bed or in a drawer or a fantasy you have but know nothing about. Pull them out, and play with the toy but not sexually, feel it hold it, turn it on play with the settings. feel it agaisnt your skin but not sexually. For your fantasies? Pull up a ridiculous porn or just a porn and dont watch it for the need to get aroused but watch it to learn, see what tips and tricks you can learn or just laugh at it and make fun in the moment, your brain will capture and retain the other info for you to use later on.
Sixth- REFLECT ---take a couple days and sit back and relax and feel all the things about how that time felt for you. What you learned, what was fun, what it felt like to just let go. If you didnt let go fully and it didnt work, try it again. If you are uncomfortable in your relationship that this was uncomfortable together then work on talking about why your uncomfortable to let go and truly be yourself and free together. If it worked out then do it again for fun!
you matter
Take the time, if you want to write out how the date went and send it to me the more details the better! Ill choose at the end of the month one lucky couple to send a little something special!
WATCH out, growth looks great on you
this is just the beginning
Every Couple of weeks I will be sending you these amazing assignments. Do one, heck do them all, or ignore them if you want. But I am excited to give you this opportunity to grow yourself this year.
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Lots of love & orgasms from brii & The boudoir Studio team