Hey First name / friend! Its 2022(crazy, right!?). We’ve been through so much and learned so much. We've been through highs and lows, filling your life full of way too much that probably isnt giving you what you truly need.
But this email? It’s not about that. It’s about YOU, at your core, and We're here just to sit and listen and cheer you on! Today, I’m inviting you to hit this link and anonymously let go of any nerves shame and fear you have around fantasies and desires that you are hiding deep down inside.
Then onto the real assignment. Sit down with a paper and pen, fuck it you should probably go buy a notebook for this years assignments cause youll need it and then you can track your growth!
Part two, Write down all the wants, desires, fantasies you have sexually but havent taken advantage of. If you have a partner do this seperately. Write the details and what about it turns you on.
Part 3, say those desires outloud, to no one at first just speak them, make them mroe real and less fearful.
Then try saying them to your bestfriend, or your partner. Start with the least nervewracking one for you and make them swap with you, you tell me one ill tell you one. Over time, not all at once make your way through the list.
Part Four - Grab life by the balls and try one or maybe , two, three , four….
This should be so invigorating and nervewracking as hell probably but I’m sitting on the edge of my seat ‘cause I’m SO excited to hear from you on how you feel while working through this.