It always comes easier to me to answer questions like:
Who is this book not for?
Who is my service not for?
Who are my courses not for?
As opposed to Who are these for?
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What is even more interesting is that I posted this and got mixed replies. Someone said they were the same way, while someone else said it was the other way around for them. How cool is that?
This goes hand in hand with expectations. The ones in our day to day life, the ones related to our clients, our potential clients, other people we interact with. We have these expectations because we think in a specific way. But not everyone thinks in the same patterns as we do. How could we? 
Our life experiences are different… and even if we tried to explain our thought process, this does not guarantee that it is better just because it's faster or more efficient for us. We have our own way of making things work for us.
Just a bit of food for thought here… as we enter a new year. Something to think about when creating content and courses.
Of course, I'd love to know which one comes more easily to you: not for or for?
Have an expansive time and I'll catch you in the next one!



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