Welcome to the Tipsy-Tuesday Newsletter, my Party People! 
Grab a glass, pack a bowl, live your soberest life- but no matter what, 
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Spoiler alert- keep it hydrated.
AYE! Don't be ‘that guy’… Bring your friends! 
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“Where the beer is cold, and the advice is… better than the World Wide Web's? 
Good to see you, First name / Friend!
FIrst-time? Here's what to know: 
•Skimmable-takeaways are highlighted in BLUE
•Previous email always linked at the bottom
•Party-Favors (extra, topic-relevant goodies) also at the bottom.

Oh, well helloooo! 
I have a lot of friends, family, clients, and acquaintances that like to party… and I do too!! Hence, my natural place as the Party People's Nutritionist because I don't think you should have to choose- you really can have it all.  
Phat ‘BUT’… 
Finding your own personal balance is difficult when you can't tell the difference between: 
mindlessly indulging from a place of intention / self-granted permission
mindlessly acting without tapping into an informed decision making process.
And while I tend to lean on the side of ‘you're an adult, do what you want,' there are occasions when drinking, smoking, or losing sleep dancing until the sun comes up that can be done with little to no consequences to your overall well-being… then there are situations, like when regularly engaging in those behaviors, where consequences can stack up if you do so negligently. 
The MORE you partake in party-people behaviors, or what school called ‘risky’ behaviors, the more in your best-interest it is to understand the principles, not the fads, of nutrition education.  
Aka- you can make ‘bad’ decisions without worrying 
when you know what you're doing. 🙃
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So this week, let's start with the munchies. Because there are very few nutritionists talking about it. 
But first, we need to have a word. 
  1. Since I'm a white woman, I share little risk in engaging in the education on use of weed, still an illegal substance in many states here in the U.S. of A.
  2. White men, and previously condemning politicians who've jailed users in the past, are now benefitting in the projected billions while those they imprisoned are still serving time behind bars for the exact same actions.
  3. If you use illegal drugs in any facet, do your due diligence to stay informed on the conversations, origin of policies, and overall political nature of this medicinal and recreational herb that's been informed and protected by indigenous peoples spanning centuries of civilization.
I have included resources for educators, like Mary Pryor of Tonic CBD, who are doing the absolute most to protect marijuana for medicinal AND recreational, while putting the fiscal benefits into the hands of the people who've invested in the political rights, care of, and education on weed long before it was profitable. 
The demonization of marijuana, and all medicinal uses of plants, was pioneered (pun intended) by John D Rockefeller. 
Once discovering the medical properties of, and profitable benefits of, petroleum-based products, Western medicine was created with clear terms of his financial backing: teach my curriculum (now known as med-school), promote and sell petroleum-based products only (to his benefit), and declare all plant medicinals to be ‘alternatives' (to increase petroleum-based-product use to his benefit.) 
The power John Rockefeller had to do so stripped the integrity from centries-old herbal-practices in light of a new and more profitable alternative. Both petroleum-based products and herbal-remedies have proven benefits when used as advised. Accompanied with racist, stereotyped views of Black, brown, native, and indigenous folks' use of the plant, we have the convoluted pool of perceptions and stigmas of current-day marijuana use, rights, and legalization. 
 If you're unfamiliar with this piece of weed-history, see the resources linked at the end of the email to get started.
**note, I do not advise nor advocate either use(s) of recreational OR medicinal practices, as that is a personal, adult-decision that every person I advise or give unsolicited information to must discern on their own and with relevant-experts, information, and guidance.
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3 Tips for Managing the Munchies
If you are a smoker, you'll want to DOUBLE down on the water.
Smoking, specifically, dries your skin out and is shown through research to be a light diuretic- so while it's not dehydrating, you will be best-served sipping on water to quench more than cotton-mouth alone. 
And while skin-care is important, because the HEALTH of your skin has an impact on your body given that it's your largest organ, we're here to talk about the munchies…. so 2 things: 
  1. Drinking water to keep yourself from overeating in general = diet culture.
  2. Drinking water to keep yourself hydrated and from over-eating due to THIRST = proactive measure of health.
So check your reasons first, please and thank you, but drink a lot of water nonetheless. 
Rabbit-trail note: 
You do NOT need to drink 1 gallon of water a day. That number is not of research and is often used as a ‘losing weight’ tip by the poorly-regulated wellness industry. While 1 gallon isn't going to kill you, peeing that often is overkill for how little more it's doing for you. AND hydration is not just a water thing…
So here's my general hydration recommendation: 
Drink a variety of fluids and eat a variety of foods throughout the day.
 Beverages like milk, soda, tea, coffee, and foods like fruits and veggies help retain hydration in the body to your benefit…and with less bathroom breaks.
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You weren't going to get out of here without me reminding you to eat… don't act surprised. 
Smoking is one thing- but EDIBLES. You better get right with Jesus beforehand. And by get right with Jesus, I mean feed your damn body. 
If you struggle with munchies, I'm going to assume 1 of 3 things off the bat: 
  1. You're a newbie and haven't gotten past the initial munchies-monster.
  2. You didn't eat enough prior to smoking, edible-ing, wax-ing, etc
  3. You're used to a specific routine while high and need an interruption.
Regardless of reason, our approach remains the same as usual: 
Be aware of your food intake, making sure you're eating WHOLE ASS MEALS regularly- multiple a day. Not 1 or 2… more like 3 minimum, maybe more depending on your appetite and hunger, and meeting the requirements of macro-nutrients AND micro-nutrients: protein, veggie, carb, fat, and water each meal. 
•While I said eat BEFORE partaking, IF you struggle with the munchies, you can also eat during if you care to get chef-like while high. *But let me state the obvious- don't do anything dangerous or dumb while in the kitchen high- cook responsibly and keep it simple while under the influence. 
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And lastly, for those who will inevitably ask me, ‘BUT KELSIE- How do I stop myself from SNACKING while high??!"…. here's your tip: 
Work on your relationship with food so you're not losing all inhibitions while under the influence. 
Don't roll your eyes at me. 
Again, I'm the party-people's nutritionist, so while that not be the advice you were LOOKING for, it's advice you NEED, and is based on a loooooot of experience working with clients who use. 
Just to give an idea, out of 1000s of clients, I've had a whopping three people who didn't partake. My advice has helped a lot of people- not including the people I give free advice to on the reg…
Your sober-mind HEAVILY impacts your influenced-mind. 
If you struggle with food in your day-to-day life, you'll struggle even more under the influence. Why? 
Because what you TEACH yourself to be comfortable with is what your brain will DEFAULT to. 
cracks knuckles 
👉You see food as good vs. bad in daily life, therefore you avoid high-sugar, heavily-processed foods in your day-to-day food routines. (ie. chips, candy, bread, sweet treats, pasta) 
👉You make rigurous and structured exceptions for eating these foods in designated environments- holidays, birthdays, weekends, general celebrations- and tell yourself that somehow helps you from overeating them… (and I hope most of you are starting to know better than this week after week…) 
👉But old habits die hard, so when these restricted-behaviors go unchecked, alas, you smoke, have an edible, or even a few shots at a party, and what happens? 
👉You overdo it. You eat the whole pizza, you smoke, eat, or drink WAY more than you would have liked to, or you're in the drive-thru stress-eating all 50-McNuggets worth of unresolved problems that weren't dealt with accordingly throughout the week.
👉Which, from my view, is whatever- not the end of the world every once in a while, but you not knowing better, are likely to have a hard time stopping the spiral you KNOW is coming. And you try to slow it down by saying “calories don't count during the holidays” “I'm going to indulge” ….“treating myself!” as a way to convince yourself ‘it’s fine.' 
👉But on the low, you know that inner-dialogue is winding up to pitch you a shame-filled, fast-ball THE MOMENT you wake up in the morning…. 
If you haven't noticed, I speak from personal experience TOO, my dudes!  
So if this is how you're experiencing nutrition on the REGULAR, or are used to experiencing nutrition- and haven't found new systems and routines for redirecting your inner dialogue or nutrition behaviors yet- then I'm going to make an even bigger assumption here: 
The munchies aren't your issue- your allegiance to food-morality is. 
Food is NOT good or bad. 
Food is NOT just fuel. 
 It IS nutrient-dense and/or energy-dense. 
It IS fuel…AND it is social, emotional, and cultural. 
 BOTH serve NEEDED, significant roles in your WEEKLY nutrition practices, if not DAILY for most people. 
And when you restrict it regularly, you will go HAM on it when given the chance. So stop shaming yourself for snacking- snack MORE, even! 
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But that's a lot to expect someone to learn, understand, adopt, then assimilate into daily life, successfully navigating obstacles, questions, and all. 
So I leave you with a couple of next steps: 
  1. Start where you are. Awareness is always the first step in behavior change. So if you partake in weed regularly, start with tip #1 and #2, drinking plenty of water and eating WHOLE ASS meals throughout the day.
  2. Make changes to DAILY food VARIETY if not too overwhelming, weekly if more manageable. I have my clients do this like this: Meals are to be NUTRIENT-dense and prioritized FIRST- snacks can be either, but are generally reserved for ENERGY-dense fill-ins. (especially post-workout!) *This is meant as a loose framework, for the majority of the time rather than 100% of the time, so use it as a template, not as a die-hard rule.
  3. Apply to work with me if you're fiscally able. The benefit of coaching is having a third-party representative that is emotionally neutral to your situation, but when informed, can provide trusted, well-vetted, researched solutions that save you from stumbling into pitfalls that, while predictable to me, may not be obvious to you.
Food may be familiar, but that doesn't mean you understand it or know how it can be used and/or enjoyed to the fullest. And that's why I'm here!
So as always- if you have any questions about learning more, how to implement, or are in need of additional resources, you're welcome to drop into my inbox!! Hit reply and let me know what YOU need so I can get EVERYONE the information they need- b/c you're NOT the only person experiencing or needing guidance on these things! 

Much love,  Kelsie 

Need help balancing your work-hard, play-hard lifestyle? 
Set up a call with me and let's lay out ALL your options: 
•If coaching is a good fit, we'll get you started. 
•If not, we'll get you turned around in the RIGHT direction!
No obligations, no commitments. 
Only expectation is that you show up or cancel/reschedule ahead of time.
👇Schedule your call today!👇 

The Golden Ticket has been found! 
Your 90-minute, 1:1 Wellness Strategy session is ON THE HOUSE!
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Want to win a session? 
Easter eggs in video games are my favorite, so i will surely do this again! 
Stay tuned for future fun and games.
In case you missed last week's email:
c+p: https://view.flodesk.com/emails/61c2170b7a295600d38894fd

Party Favors!
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Stay rested, raise hell - much love.