You don't need a custom web design to captivate your clients in 2022!

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Hey hey, First name / photographer!
Ready to bring that "new year, new me" energy to your photography website? You don't have to invest in a custom redesign to have a captivating design that catches the eyes of your ideal clients! But searching for the perfect design can definitely be tedious. And that's where I come in!
After writing for more than 100 photographers (and looking at thousands of photography websites), I definitely know what works, what doesn't, and what's over-the-heck-done. I'm always on the hunt for great templates to recommend to clients, and these eight just do something special for me! They beautifully balance design and space for text, never allowing aesthetics to overwhelm information. Talk about the perfect way to delight AND truly serve your clients!

In this blog post, I share my top eight photography website templates for 2022, covering a range of prices and platforms. I also share some of the criteria I used to determine what made a web template "the best." I did my best to feature templates from creators large and small, but there are so many talented small creators out there, and I'm always looking to find more! If you have a favorite, reply to this email and share them with me so I can peep their work!
And because you're a member of my insiders email list, I'd love to share two more amazing templates with you that I'm not posting on the blog!
First, Whitehaven by Davey & Krista for Showit and Wordpress has that crisp, editorial look that pairs so beautifully with gentle maternity images or high-end wedding galleries. And at just $190, it's less expensive than any design I shared in my blog post! I feel some of the text boxes could be used more effectively (for example, the freebie promo on the homepage could become a beautiful experience teaser/call to action), but the design itself is perfection, making customization easy. 
Second, Gatlinburg by Abigail Dyer Design is screaming for an adventure wedding/couples/elopement photographer to turn it into their dream website. While the design is lacking in necessary in text space, it certainly makes up for it in style. And with the more difficult essential elements designed into the template (FAQ, process, etc.), you'd be able to add the text you need without much effort. It's a bit more expensive at $447, but, trust me, it's worth the price tag!

Giving your digital storefront the refresh it so desperately needs starts at where you'll find the perfect template to match your brand. Then, let's work together and write the words to fill it in just two days! I'm now booking full website rewrites for January and February, and I'd love to work with you!

A 2022 website relaunch might be just around the corner for you! Let's get started...

xo, Erica
