So many business owners having trouble packaging their products 😰
Nicole Monay: Great, let's talk about how you would like to package your products. Let me know what you are thinking.
Business owner: I don't know, I don't know what works well together or even how to find who to go to print boxes, labels, or set up my packaging.

Image item
How to package products is one of the number one problem many of our clients face, and it's normal because, honestly, this whole packaging thing is new and sometimes confusing.
When this happens, business owners usually do the following:
  • Go on Alibaba, take a guessing game, and try their luck. Don't get me wrong, there are some great vendors on Alibaba, but we have a few vendors we trust, and we can show you how to communicate what you need before spending a lot.
  • Mitch Match colors, 😰. The color flow is not adding up
  • Taking a stab at trying to create labels on Canva
  • Changing their packaging multiple times to see what works. This can get pricey.
Are you ready to learn how to organize your packaging and make your clients say, heck to the yeah?
Then I want you to join me this Thursday at 7:00 pm EST (Recording Available After) on my upcoming Product Packaging webinar.
What's Included?
  • This course will be RECORDED
  • 53 Color Swatches ( FREE )
  • Packaging Vendors List ( FREE )
  • Planning & Preparing
  • Creating Your Vision Board
  • Visual Breakdown
  • Pricing - Budgeting
  • Prepping For Design