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Hiiii! I miss you and 3 weeks without chatting with you via this email text thread (AKA - one of my fav places to chat with you) is 3 weeks too long 🙃
✨First things first – how was the holidays for you? Were you able to take some time off? Did you get to squeeze in some QT (quality time) w/ the fam?
Me? Well taking two weeks (mostly) off of work + social media was… interesting to say the least. 
🤧The first week I spent held up in bed with a:
→stomach virus
→sinus infection
→staph infection
→horrible PMS cramps
Thankfully I tested negative for the "C", but nonetheless it wasn't nearly as restful as I would have hoped.
☁️Before taking off I romanticized what two weeks off would look like:
→reading all the fiction recs my friend Susie sent over
→painting (a new hobby that I'm loving!)
→quality time with my people
Instead I was met with getting sick, recovering from getting sick, pushing myself WAY too much and not allowing my body to actually recover because FOMO. 
After friends and family from out of town made their way back home and things started to settle back into normalcy I pretty much slept an entire day and it. was. glorious. 😭
Getting back into the routine of things (and starting some new routines bc new years, duh) has been so good for my mental health.
I know not everyone loves New Years Resolutions…
🌱In fact, it's kind of like cilantro – you either love it or you loathe it.
…but something I personally love is picking a word for the year. It helps me to look at life and the upcoming decisions and challenges I'll be faced with with a different set of glasses. 
☀️The sunnies I chose for 2022 is ABUNDANCE.
Today I woke up later than planned. I didn't hit all of my “new habit goals” and I even forgot to eat lunch until 2pm. My gut response is to look at the day and feel disappointment (which is totally okay and valid) and typically I would sit in that emotion and let it own who I was.
Instead I decided to look at the situation through 👉🏼 ABUNDANCE. There is room in my schedule for slower days. I have capacity to fall down and mess up because I know that it's helping me to grow in the areas I want to be intentional in. 
✨What about you? Did you pick a word of the year? 
💌 PS. Have you watched season 2 of Emily in Paris yet? I'm midway through and let me just say… I'm becoming a big fan of Alfie 😘
Giant hugs,

