january hours

Tuesday-Friday: 9-5:00 Saturday 9-2pm Sunday-Monday: CLOSED
Lots of 
Happy January,
                      All this up and down weather! Makes my head spin!!  
Hopefully everyone is doing good!!  As we are anticipating Spring, here are some things you can do!  If you have not cleaned out your flower beds now is a great time to do so!  If you have, can you come clean mine! Lol!!
                    Now really is a good time to build a raised bed. And we can help you with that!  Or you can add nutritional compost to your flower beds, and if you have raised beds that are older you can add raised bed mix to the top.         
                    If you have plants you are trying to save from last year, watch for bugs! I have been seeing a lot of activity on peoples leaves they bring us.  Look really close tp the underside of the leaves, and the buds at the top.  We don’t want any bugs to multiply!  We have a great indoor outdoor product that fertilome makes that works great!
                           We have the Fertilizer Programs ready to go! 
                    You can  sign up for the program when ever your ready.  
                              If you have any question, please give us a call!
                                                          (806) 622-2683
                                                         Thanks, Rhonda
Are  Here!
A little early, but ready when you are!
Year Round Fertilizer Program are Ready!Come by and sign up today!
 Now is a great time to begin preparing your raised beds for the growing season. We have all of the materials & compost you need to get a head start on amending your growing areas. If you need help planning your raised beds, we are always happy to help! 
Have a Happy Day!
We collect and reuse Rain Water!
2012: 108,665 gallons
2013: 108,696 gallons
2014: 123,193 gallons
2015: 181,051 gallons
2016: 123,879 gallons
2017: 141,951 gallons
2018: 106,330 gallons
2019: 139,057 gallons
2020: 85,762 gallons
2021:69,888 gallons
2022:   7,005 gallons