Moving with Light
in seasons of darkness, sources of light 
are most easily discerned…and moved with.
Truth can be felt, like warmth.
What is truest to you is found in stillness with self, that which warms you
is akin to your essential nature.
Hey there, Friend
How is your transition into this New Year for you? I welcome you to hit reply and connect. There is no denying it's been a challenging perhaps unearthing two years and that we are all learning our way through this epoch, who we are and what we will become.
In these unknown times ~ the void~  I seek where I feel warmth, for me that is truth in its essential form. Some say truth is cold or hard, to that I respond that it isn't always easy but it is warm, welcoming in fact. 
We are all welcome in our own truth, whether others will stick around for it well that is their choice. We cannot control outcomes, we can though align deeper in truth.
The subject of this email is Easeful Transitions, is prayer, wishing we move through our lives transitions with as much ease and grace as possible. Constant change is inevitable, moving through the incredibly vast and varied states of being in our lives challenging. How can we become what we cannot even fathom? 
It is BIG trust. Trust in ourselves that we are guiding our self to wholeness and safety, trust we have communicated that as best we can with our contemporaries.
“Warmly 🌞 Megan” is how I have been signing my notes for a casual decade or so. “Warmth” is my governing circumstance. Warmth is what I wish to fill in the space between you and me, our world, my jewelry and art.
I have changed my instagram handle to @warmly_megan I could have left a no underscore or none, but I hope this translates to the stillness and quiet I believe so vital to our energetic health.
There are many nuances, subtlties to how entwined we are with these names, some say “brands” but essentially I am not a brand. I am a person, with feeling, for what I do and how we connect. I believe wholly that our whole essence of this 'togetherness" I am healing towards takes place in the empty space between us. This vast and empty space I wish to fill with warmth, with gold, with care.
A name change may seem just a token at best or a “branding” misfire causing a mass exodus at worst. Ultimately, how can I go wrong living in my truth?
From me, and this outward change you can expect the same as you have always come to know, jewelry, art, reflections. These aspects of me are perpetual and I hope the chosen name is a more connected home for me moving forward.
Image item
Honey scented wax…
into 18 Kt Yellow & White Gold.
Sun and Moon,
Sea and Land,
held in a single precious being.
I have been quietly offering Bespoke upon request only since graduating from GIA, the Gemological Institute of America - where I did both my Gemology degree as well as metal smith.
Several years ago I was SO FREAKING EXCITED to I create a jewel inspired by the book “The Sea”. The woman, an Aquarius, a rather well known contemporary cultural figure and a deeply private person. She desired a jewel which honored her dual essence of celebrant and introvert, a being who lives and thrives by the complementary nature between Sun and Moon.
I hand carved this petite mermaid in a honey scented bees wax, casted her in two parts - one of 18Kt Yellow and one White for the nature of sun / moonlight bejeweled her in Aquamarines carved like kelps or leaves.I hand sculpted in porcelain a pink, gold and silver shell for her mermaid spirit totem's shell for resting in.
I will slowly add more samples of bespoke jewelry to my site <3.
Our format for bespoke will be steered by consensus, as I go along this journey with you, discovering how we most greatly collaborate to create your jewelry resonant with your vision.
For now, to begin in creation you will wish to consider greatly - What are you energies are desiring to embody / call in with your jewel? Are you celebrating, commemorating, calling an force into your life? We will move through this journey together and I will invite you into my process.
To exist as nature intends, 
is to align with your own healing.
Stars rise each night,
Flowers bloom to eat Sunlight.
Signing off and wishing you a healthful, hopeful and prosperous New Year. 
I pray all which we have experienced has brought us closer to our home and selves.
Warmly 🌞