Is fear-based decision making holding your business back?

Let's discuss putting fear aside to market your biz.
Hey hey, First name / photographer!
When you're a solopreneur, everything is pretty scary. One minute, you're just a person good at a thing—like photography or writing—and the next, you're heading up a six-figure business, making decisions that are WAY beyond your expertise. Like…what?! Who allowed this!? And if you have employees or associates? That stress quintuples! I've felt—and still sometimes feel—exactly what you're feeling. 
But what I've learned is that making decisions for my business based on that fear is crippling. It stunts my growth, keeps me from doing what will truly work, and muffles any creativity I've got in me. So, when I see my photographers moving in fear instead of confidence, I feel like I've just gotta say something! 
Whether I'm chatting with potential clients for the first time or am hours deep into an editing sesh for a current client, these fear-based decisions pop up constantly. Photographers start second guessing decisions they've made about their voice, goals, and ideal client, and start begging to play it safe.
“What if this line alienates a potential client? What if this comes off as bragging? What if I sound *gasp* salesy!?” 
So, I decided to write a blog post on the six most common fear-based decisions I've seen photographers make when I work with them. Let's talk honestly about what they are, why they scare us, and how we can overcome them!
Give the blog post a peep, and then I want to hear from you! Have any of these impacted you? Are they still keeping you up at night? Have they caused you to write content that is bland as a slice of dry toast? Tell me about it, and let's see if we can help you move past those fears!
If you feel ready to dive in for a more in-depth experience, I’d love to work with you! I offer a two-day copywriting experience that will totally eliminate all of these fear-based decisions from your website, as well as a 90-minute strategy intensive during which we can overcome any fears holding you back. So, don’t wait! Let’s infuse your business with all the confidence you deserve!
want to work with me?
don't wait!
book your intensive!

xo, Erica

P.S. I'm going live on Instagram with Anne Blodgett this Tuesday (tomorrow) at 3 p.m. ET to chit-chat about how photographers can cultivate an audience with authenticity! Last month, I wrote content for her soon-to-launch boudoir website, and I could tell right away that her 100k Instagram followers weren't just drawn to her rad hats and fun hair color choices.
I wanted to learn more from her about how she used her personality to build her following and how other photographers can do the same! Come hang with us tomorrow, and bring all your questions for Anne! We'd to have ya!
