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your recording is here!
Hey First name / friend!
We were LIVE from Florida today! And in the recording I said this is week 3, but it's already week FOUR! What?! It's flying by.
Our focus was Genesis 19-37…so many stories and lessons to apply! I loved hearing your thoughts and perspectives. Thank you for taking time to be on live today! And thank you to those watching the recording who couldn't make it live! You can download the chat transcript here. 
I shared a story about Amy Carmichael and the phrase “God knows all about the boats”. I went looking for the story that I could share with you…and found that story embedded in a bigger article on Desiring God and it's EXCELLENT. It covers many of the same themes were discussing today. The article is called “Nothing I Suffer Surprises God” and you can read it here
Today we discussed:
 ✔️ How God relieves anxiety
✔️ Living in condemnation vs. living in righteousness
✔️ Cherishing sin (looking back at it longingly)
✔️ Wiping the slate clean daily with God
✔️ Abraham & Isaac (obedience and trust)
✔️ God guides & God provides
✔️ Rebecca & Leah and how God hears us
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Here is the page on my site where I am putting all of the recordings, as well as the direct link to this email. 

Abraham said, "God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering, my son." 
So they went both of them together.
Genesis 22:8

xo, sara