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February 4, 2022 | Weekly Bulletin No. 5

Welcome to February! I'm still enjoying the “new year, fresh start” glow. How about you? I'm starting some personal projects as well as some work projects this month while I ride this wave of energy.
A view of my messy studio while I prep a drawing board and some pumice boards (in the background) for a future project
One step forward, three steps back…
Portrait painting is NOT a linear process. I moved the pastel painting forward with more layers of pastel and some subtle modeling of her nose and cheek. And then… dun dun dun… something just seemed off!
A bit of explanation is warranted here. There is a consistent and parallel tilt of eyes-nose-mouth-chin in every subject. The direction and degree of that tilt depends on the head's orientation on the paper/2D plane. Somehow between the charcoal block-in and this week's layers of pastel, I had lost the accurate tilt.
This tilt is important. At the very least it gives your drawing some verisimilitude. It's an integral part capturing likeness. It conveys attitude and emotion. Sometimes you want to exaggerate it to support the narrative of the piece. For this piece my model already conveyed a kind of mysterious serenity so it was important to me to get this accurate.
My brain was trying to override what my eyes were clearly seeing. One of the reasons faces can be difficult is simply we know faces too well. So our brains will give our hands directions to draw what we know a face looks like rather than the face our eyes observe. Apparently this is a common experience among figurative artists.
Cold comfort as I realized I had lost the tilt!
So this weekend I'll lift the eye (on our right), extend that eyebrow inward, and lift the right side (our view) of the mouth to regain the expression. Three steps back. Sigh.
The state of the piece before corrections…
Things I'm loving this week…
  • Working in graphite. I started a project on Cornelia Hernes’s Patreon channel this week making a graphite drawing of a Bougoureau painting. I love how the graphite just “washes” across the paper as layers are built up. Sometimes it helps to mix up materials.
  • My analog calendar experiment. I’m a calendar junkie - Google Calendar, Asana, iCal - I love managing my time online, but in an effort to diminish my computer time I’ve been experimenting with analog planners. For Christmas I got an Erin Condren Life Planner, and I’m loving it. I can list my weekly projects, create to-do lists and block my time. Plus it was easy to adapt it to my Dreamsmart program (the 3-year “big goals, bold action” accountability program I developed).
  • Snow. I know I always say this, but we were gifted 2 feet of fluffy, sparkly snow via last weekend's Nor'easter/blizzard and I'm over the moon about it. Big piles of it all over the place. It's melting a bit now, but still… I never tire of snow.
Well, snowcones, this has been my week. This weekend I'll be in the studio painting, painting, and painting as I still want to submit this piece to the Portrait Society's competition next week. What are your plans?

xo, Susannah

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