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Hey, First name / babe,
I put together a Keeping it Hot 2.0 tip sheet and I'm sharing it with you first, because you're awesome, of course.
Click the button below to get the printable version, but I've included it all here, too.
Making pleasure a priority
It's easy to get wrapped up in responsibilities and ignore our need for connection and pleasure. What, besides sex, brings you joy and physical satisfaction? What does the same for your partner? This week (and every week!), commit to scheduling one hour of alone time each, where you and your partner are free to do something you love, like spend time in nature, make a great meal, do something artistic, or exercise.
Getting in the mood
Switching the brain from work mode to sexy time mode can be a struggle. I find the Dipsea app’s short erotic audio stories are perfect for when I want to flip the switch. Try it here and get 30 days free. Many couples also share my Would You Rather videos back and forth in order to get the sexy wheels turning.
Mixing it up
Swipe left or swipe right on fantasies? With the Spicer app you can do exactly that. You and your partner are notified when you have a match. You can even leave notes for each other about the how and when of making the fantasy a reality.
Planning ahead
There are a few bedside table essentials that make it way more likely that we can have incredible sex at the spur of the moment. Coconu lube and body oil have completely changed the way we savor the physical sensations in the bedroom. Choose water-based if you are using condoms, but otherwise try the three pack (water-based, oil-based, and hemp-infused body oil) and figure out your favorite combination. Use code ASHLEIGH15 for 15% off. Full-body massages have become a regular part of our intimacy since we started using a lightweight, tight-weave blanket over our bed. We lovingly refer to it as our sex blanket. It makes clean up a snap and prevents oil stains from covering our bed linens.
Amping it up
If you’ve watched my Instagram Stories, you’ve heard me sing the praises of the Magic Wand. I had been curious for years, but was always overwhelmed by the different packages and options. An audience member suggested the original rechargeable and I haven’t looked back. The very best thing about it is the ease of climaxing in different positions during intercourse. There are many fakes online, so be sure you get the original from this source. Use code ASHLEIGH10 for 10% off orders over $100.
Reducing resentment
Communication doesn’t magically get better the longer you are together––often it’s the opposite. For examples of how to change your communication dynamic (with some funny and sexy stories woven in), check out my book, Swing. It will be on Audible in about six weeks. If you’d like to listen to the audiobook early, send your order screenshot from the paperback or Kindle version to and get the audiobook for free today.
Have a really wonderful day.
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Massive Love,
PS I received this DM. (I love receiving your DMs!) So, here is more info about our favorite toy and our favorite lube.
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