Hey, Chain Breaker Hey! 
Fruit Inspection 101: How To Discern A Narcissist!
How do we discern a narcissist? How do we test the spirit by the Spirit? People can tell you anything but what does their fruit say? How do you know if someone was sent by God into your life? Check the fruit so you don’t get fooled by wolves in sheep’s clothing!
1 John 4: Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
 How do we become a good fruit inspector? 
We check the F.A.C.T.S.
Fruit - We inspect FRUIT. Each of our lives bear fruit. Is the person’s life, mouth, character bearing good or bad fruit?
Success & money, does not equal fruit. Does the person have the fruits of the Spirit?
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control…” Those who are in Christ are distinguished from unbelievers in that they have been gifted with the Holy Spirit, enabling them to bear fruit.
Action | Assess - Judge righteously and take note of the person’s actions. No one is perfect, however, we assess actions. Believe people when they show you who they are.
Consistency | Constantly Evaluating - Even in relationships & families, we are constantly evaluating what people are showing you - regardless of what relation they are to you. Yes, this means your family and friendships.
Time & Truth - A narcissistic person is playing a role that they cannot play forever. Give the relationship time and the truth will be revealed.
Sit back & wait - Ask God, “Who sent this person?” Wait on God’s answer. He will show you who someone is. It’s up to YOU to pay attention and MOVE according to what He reveals. God will tell you who the person is, outside of what their mouths say.
Chain Breaker Event Roundup

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Come celebrate with ME! Brunch, birthdays, blessings, and executing no contact like a Chain Breaking Boss! Join me as I celebrate MY birthday & celebrate YOU and your Narc Free Living journey!

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