Greetings from Olivia Sproul Designs HQ!
Happy February! Excited to be one full month into 2022!
In my best attempt to communicate with all of my web & design clients on a regular basis, I will be sending this monthly email with a quick form. This form will include a few options, such as: I'm up to date & all good, I'm needing to purchase a few hours of design help, I'd like a check in phone call to discuss options for help this month, etc.

I'm hoping this will serve as a nice reminder if you have a few things on your mind that you would like to get scheduled out & planned for your business. For me, I'm always wanting to serve my clients to the best of my ability. This little “check-in” will hopefully do just that! 
*Kindly note: There are no obligations or commitments when filling out the form. It simply serves as a quick communication tool between us!

I'm always available by email or phone call by appointment.
Stay warm! â˜ș

Later This Month..
One Website Package Giveaway to Celebrate TWO years in business! Details  & how to enter to win coming later this month via email.
Katie K.
Olivia was great to work with! Very professional, timely on all her commitments, and overall great at everything she creates! I can’t wait to continue working with her to develop my brand and blog!