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Hi there, Jo Ellen here! 
I am renovating my wall where I will be replacing a fireplace mantel.  Here's the before (Ugh) and interim pics. The wood literally pulls off in your hands.
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Renovation is on my mind
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What does renovation have to do with coaching and my life?  Hah, the way I live and think is always a work in progress but so too is my coaching.  I continue to change my style, not depth though, to suit the needs of my clients. I've learned new skills to keep up-leveling my services I offer my clients, so it is always a ‘renovation’ project.  It  brings me so much joy to coach, so I want to always bring my best BUT as you can see with my comparison, it is always a work in progress.  There really is no end.  Don't you find that true in your life and business as well?    

It does not matter

how slowly you go as long

as you do not stop.

- Confuscious

Well said, Confucius! 
I’ve been thinking so much lately about my persistence and continuity lately that I knew I needed a bit of improvements there myself.  As a result, I created my answer.  I will hosting a Monthly Manifesting, Inspiring, Creating Group session starting Wednesday, 2/16/22 at 1:00 PM.  It will be free but I am limiting to 4, 6 people max.  Each session, ONCE a MONTH, will include inspirational info, support for your work, ideas session and accountability - if you need it.  It's meant to be a fun planning time to get your biz done the way you want.  
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what else is new you say??? 
February 22nd, 2022   2 PM 
Why do you need a workshop like this now?  After all, you've set your intentions for this year, you are working your strategy everyday.  
I found the most important gift I have learned being a solopreneur and coaching 1:1 is that we need to revive each other.  I had the opportunity to reconnect last week with a dear friend I haven't spoken to in 4, maybe 5 months.  She had Covid and was recuperating, getting stronger.  We talked briefly about times of our loneliness and will tell you just talking to her and feeling her smiling face revived me and I haven't been sick!  
This session is about connection, bigger than your dream but feeling your dream for the collective, sensing others dream and how it impacts you.  I've learned from so many others about various strategies, some resonate, some don't, but I wouldn't have been able to discern that without knowing about it.  Having a dream is nothing without taking action on them.  As my clients know, *(I can hear you laughing now) that I tell them to ‘chunk it down’.  That means if it's a baby step you are still on the road progressing to your dream.  Think of this as your time in the air on your way to Greece.  Seems like idle time doesn't it.  It's not, time, steps, action, ALL Matter!  This session is subconscious work as well as just logical, get sh-t done work.  Have wine or coffee or your favorite detox drink (I like the one below :).  
Once you sign up, contact me as you will be given a reading in preparation for this workshop. 
Manifesting Your Dreams Using Strategy & Taking Action!!!
>Customized Card reading 
>Guided logical strategy
>Leave with an action plan
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'cuz I want your dreams to become reality. 
Life hack tip of the week!
Ultimate detox water: ½ cucumber, 1 lime slice. 1 sprig of mint leaves and water.  Yummy!
Stay tuned for more next week, my friend!
Lots of love,
Jo Ellen xoxo