Tuesday-Friday: 9-5:00 Saturday 9-2pm 
Sunday-Monday: CLOSED
Happy Valentines Day!!
Need Ideas. For a Valentines
Day Gift?
We gotcha covered!! 
New Frankford Umbrellas Arrived!!
Bromeliads are a great houseplants Ste them by an east or west window and water in the center leaves of the plant!
2022 Fertilizer program
                                             Time for Fertilizer Program
         Wow we really needed this snow!  The moisture will do wonders for your yards!  Now is a good time to think about your yard and the fertilizer program! We have had several price increases on fertilizer, and now there is another one!  We ordered enough for around 200 programs, but after that we will have to increase the prices to relflect this increase.  In the picture you can see all the options this year!  Come in and we can get you going on the best program for your type of grass!  If needed we can store it for you, or you can take it all with you!  We will make multiple attempts contacting you via email and text, but it is up to you to follow along with the program.  If it isn’t picked up from one year to the next, we cannot deduct the price of the product to make up for it.  We will give you the product from the year before.
                   You can  sign up for the program when ever your ready.  
                              If you have any question, please give us a call!
                                                          (806) 622-2683
Have a Happy Valentines Day
Rhonda and the Gang!
We collect and reuse Rain Water!
2012: 108,665 gallons
2013: 108,696 gallons
2014: 123,193 gallons
2015: 181,051 gallons
2016: 123,879 gallons
2017: 141,951 gallons
2018: 106,330 gallons
2019: 139,057 gallons
2020: 85,762 gallons
2021:69,888 gallons
2022:   7,005 gallons