Hi friends,
Are you loving winter, or ready to move on?
I'm still not ready for spring but I love that days are getting longer and I'm seeing more sunsets in February.
The highlight of last week was getting the kids back to school and getting back to writing regularly on my
blog. I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered that, after writing an average of 6 posts a year since starting the blog in 2015, I upped the ante in my 2021 endeavor to reach 117 published posts. That made me feel proud and determined to make the habit more flexible this time around. I decided I would write four days a week, not daily, which succeeded last year with a handful of days missed from Feb to June. Then Q3, perfectionism, and other things happened.
Would you like to receive my writing in your email from Monday-Thursday?
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Exciting News: I have an interview at Roya TV tomorrow at 9:15 am Amman time; the topic is:
Why most people quit their new year’s resolutions in February. You already know the answer being a listener to my podcast and a friend on my social media, right? But I love it if you would still support me and tune in on TV or
their live stream.
Hey, just for fun, take a screenshot and share it with me; that will be so cool :)
This month, I look forward to more walks and more structure in kids’ routines while realizing that I will have less time to spend on decluttering. That’s where I’ve been mostly hiding lately, away from social media, at home, between trash bags and donation bags, in case you were wondering.