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letters from
As I sit here, a little over one month into 2022, I am finding myself still reflecting on 2021… are you also?
I feel like 2020 was a year of survival mode. With the hopes of 2021 to be better and now again the hope of 2022 even better. A year of building, a year of growth, and a year of renewed beginnings. It’s funny that with just the change of one day, how much hope it can bring to a person.
We set new goals, create resolutions and we all want to be better in one way or another. Did you finish them in Jan 2021? Did you get through Jan? Did you lose the weight you wanted to? Did you forgive the person that you have been meaning to forgive? Did you start on the path to creating the life that you always wanted? Did you do it? One month later, how are you doing on those goals?
It makes me think, why do we have to wait until the last day of the year and the first day of the following year to have this feeling? What is it about the human psyche that thinks that a mere 24 hours will bring new beginnings?
As I sit here and ponder, I have determined that it doesn’t just have to be once a year.  Here at The it Crowd, we renew ourselves every day, every week, and every quarter.  
If this sounds familiar to you, yes, we run on EOS. If you want information on that, respond to this email and I will point you in the right direction. 
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1. People are always trying to tell you who they are. Good, bad, or ugly: Believe them.
Let's continue to drive success.
Lindsey Huettner
Founder and owner of The it Crowd

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