Your Daily Brand
branding for professional coaches
Your Difference Matters

Sunday Setup

First name / Hey, Cristiano Renaldo makes $614,035.09 for every minute he controls the ball in a soccer match!!
That's crazy 🤯
(but it's not the whole story!)
The average professional soccer player only controls the ball for ~3 minutes in a match - 3 minutes out of 90!!!
Why is this important? Because, while those 3 minutes are sexy, it's the other 87 minutes that wins/losses games.

Assume the Position
In Tuesday's email I'm breaking down the wonderful world of how to position yourself for greater impact.

This Week's Calendar
Here are some daily actions to help you prep your brand for better positioning.
Audit Your Marketing
Are you currently marketing your service as just another option, or are you marketing it as something distinctive?

Read the Tuesday Email
I'll give some in-depth action steps to strengthen your positioning.

Put Tuesday into Action
Spend the rest of the week diving into the action steps from Tuesday's email. You're going to get a lot out of this!

This week is simple: get in a better position to build influence, impact, and income.
See you Tuesday,
Tim Beehler
