Hi friends! I'm back from a few days in King Island, where I spent a lot of time as a kid. It's magical over there on that tiny island, and you can almost forget the rest of the world exists. But you can't hide for long, and the reality of the world soon bites again. And whilst it's far too easy to feel helpless and small with everything happening in the world, there are still ways we can help from afar. I've compiled a small list of some great organisations to donate to:
  1. To support people in flood affected areas - GIVIT
  2. To support wildlife in need from flooding - WIRES
  3. To support Ukraine's people - International Committee of the Red Cross
  4. To support Ukraine's animals - IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare)
Read here about the reasons why it's best to donate cash rather than goods, even though it feels less personal. 
Marnie x
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