First of all, the plumbing's fixed. Whoever attached the pipe to the meter just slid it on there. No clamp. So, obviously — over time it worked itself loose. As one does.
Speaking of which, my “boss” (*ahem*) has lost it.
Since the beginning, I've worked nights and weekends. I'm taking new courses constantly, and learning amazing stuff from really smart people. If there were a trophy for “Most Dedicated Employee,” I'd get it for sure.
But this morning she says to me, “Work harder.”
And this gem: “You're not doing it right.”
And — no joke — “Stupid.”
I'm sorry—what??
I mean, it's been a little nuts all along (like, 43 years), but at least she and I were on the same team with this business thing: “We can do it. We're in it together. One step at a time.”
But now that we've done it — reached one of our goals, got the train moving — she's totally lost her mind. She's waiting for me when I wake up in the morning (like seriously, in my bedroom) saying, “You don't know how to do this. You're going to mess it up. What if we fail??"
To be honest, it's making me a little sick. It's an awful way to wake up.
So I've called a meeting. In the boardroom. It starts in about 5 minutes.
I'm hoping to figure out how we can work together more peacefully. How we can get back that teamwork feeling, if you know what I mean.
Guys, how are your bosses treating you these days? The boss of your 9-5, the boss of your one-person sole-proprietorship (*cough**ironic*), the boss of your one sacred life? Who holds the power? Who's calling the shots? Are everyone's voices being heard?
Wish me luck in this meeting. See you next week.