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#1 Love Jones  Price: .05ETH  

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  • This manifestor has a unique set of traits and utility
  • Jones is short for “love jones” this is symbol of enjoying my time
  • You will experience 2 one hour calls with me per year.
  • One hour of business tips, mindset strengthening, habit unlearning, and more
  • This token is verifiable for free admission to Diamond District Discord for 1 year
  • Discounts on ALL merch and products
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#2 Social Butterfly  Price: .05ETH

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  • The Session will feature/appear in your podcast, IG live, YouTube video collaboration, or song twice per year (1 cancellation allowed)
  • Includes business tips, mindset strengthening, habit unlearning, and more
  • The Session will promote this event on 2 of my social media platforms for 48 hours
  • 2 Random Social Media shoutouts on all social media platforms
  • This token is verifiable for free admission to Diamond District Discord for 1 year
  • Discounts on ALL merch and products
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#3 Motivational Seshy  Price: .075ETH

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  • You will receive a custom motivational video with your name included from The Session
  • You will receive 1 week of morning wake up calls from The Session via facetime/zoom
  • The Session will donate to a charity of your choice in your name
  • This token is verifiable for free admission to Diamond District Discord for 1 year
  • Discounts on ALL merch and products
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#4 Smoke Sesh  Price: .2ETH

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  • You will enjoy a money free smoke sesh with The Session
  • Spend 6 hours eating, smoking premier cannabis, laughing, and strategizing
  • You will enjoy a LA/Bay Area cannabis event of your choice
  • The Session will vlog the entire event and bring 2 Bay Area influencers to collaborate with you
  • California only!
  • This token is verifiable for free admission to Diamond District Discord for 1 year
  • Discounts on ALL merch and products
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#5 Sultan of Snacks   Price: .33ETH

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  • This is for my health enthusiasts or people who want to take their diet, mind, physique, and cooking to the next level
  • The Session will take you to play basketball at local courts with you always on his team
  • Show you how to impress girls with your new cooking by: making you a grocery list, teach you how to cook, and make you a full course dinner at your residence
  • The Session will go grocery shopping with you and record the entire process
  • Must be in California!
  • This token is verifiable for free admission to Diamond District Discord for 1 year
  • Discounts on ALL merch and products
Art by Lulu Cartoon
We cannot control where or what we are born into, but we do control the direction we head towards.  Every token a portion will be donated to a charity selected by the holder.  More coins and more ways to better the world are on the way!  We will be releasing new Magnets every month!  The plan is to setup a positive, supportive, financially literate community where we virtually/physically help people manifest their dreams into reality.
  • NFT Release early March 2022
  • Magnet updates Spring 2022
  • Magnet integration Summer 2022
  • New Manifestor Magnets Summer 2022
  • New Manifestors introduced every month
  • Magnet integration into Metaverse Fall 2022