Hi friends,
Assuming you have heard my podcast episode about the four seasons women go through monthly and seen my posts about it, you now know that I take rest seriously, so I slept in over the weekend. Unfortunately, I had nightmares in these extended hours of sleep as if I was being punished for them.
That was not true, thank goodness.
My coach friend enlightened me that my overachieving subconscious mind still resisted rest because one of my nightmares was that it was the 30th of March already, which meant I missed my chance of achieving my plans for the month.
The horror 😅
My poor subconscious mind was looking out for me and thus ruining my sleep. Rest is still foreign to it, and I need to teach it that it’s also a part of the creative process. By resting, I’m looking out for the body so it would give us its best performance later, dear mind.
Old me would have regretted sleeping in. She would have beaten herself up with guilt. On the other hand, new me woke up rested, albeit with a headache and a wish I woke up earlier to avoid it. But no regrets. No guilt.
This little story is yet another piece of evidence that our awareness evolves when we are willing to.
What about you? How do you feel when you rest? Are you giving it space in your life or waiting till your body demands it, probably not so gently,  of you?

Exciting News:
Based on popular demand I am launching “Your Guide to Journaling” workshop again, on Tuesday, the 15th of March at 8 pm Amman Time.
During our 2 hours together on Zoom (replay available after), I’ll show you how to start this habit as a beginner and how to upgrade it if you are a seasoned journal writer.  I will also provide you with a PDF with more than 50 journaling prompts to support you, and a Telegram group for 2 weeks to follow up on you. 
I am so excited about this workshop and can't wait to meet you all.
Please join by subscribing using the pink button below
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See you on the inside? 
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Here is your weekly dose of The Sunday Spark ⚡️ a newsletter listing 5 inspiring things I thought were worth starting your week with: 
  1. Last week I worked on my financial goals by attending a workshop with Maluki team to create my personal annual budget, I highly recommend it. Sign up for their newsletter here to know about the next workshops.
  2. From my desk:  What would make today great? A question I did not like so much at first.
  3. One of my favorite home decluttering books has been summarized and translated to Arabic by Fatima Zohra Boubendir, a dear friend, and published on Ummahat Blog, a wonderful website by another dear friend, Mira Hourani, please enjoy "How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind", part 1 and part 2.
  4. As we celebrate women's day this week, here is a post I wrote as a reminder that you already have permission to shine.
  5. A quote that serves as one more reason to fall in love with mornings
"Mornings are more ritual-garlanded than other times of the day, readying oneself to steady the day. Creating internal order before the day unleashes its chaos, one attempts through ritual to decrease one’s own missteps, placating mischance."
― Jay Griffiths

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Note: some of the links above may be affiliate links, but always keep in mind that I don’t endorse anything I don’t use and love myself. 


What was your favorite Spark? I am eager to know. Reply to this email or share with me on my social media.
See you next Sunday 😊 First name / my dear friend.

Have a Brilliant Week!

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