The altar from the mother blessingway ceremony…
Dear First name / friend,
I am writing this newsletter to you from a snowy day in Istanbul. The weather is little unusual for March. Schools are off for 2 days and I am both working and enjoying the snow, watching and playing with my son. 
The news are so sad in the world at the moment. I am following the help of some of my EDN (European Doula Network) doula sister's to the doulas and pregnant mothers in Ukraine. Sister power and love is what we need for these days. 
A baby girl arrived to our world last week and I can still feel the refreshing effect of oxytocin since then. Welcome Milani Marie! You are so loved. 
Here are the headlines of this month:
🍀 Mother Tree
🍀Mother Blessingway
🍀Birth Psychology Month
🍀Congress News

Mother Tree
Have you heard of mother trees before? They are the trees in the forests that are very old. They are like central hubs that connect new seeds and young trees. They welcome many living beings. They are responsible from the communication of the forest.
One of the mothers I worked with gave me a thank you present this month, something very precious to me. A necklace with a mother tree. And she wrote: “I thought it very appropriate since mother trees symbolices communication, nurturing and life. 🌳 and ofcourse that you played a vital part in me becoming a mother. Will always appreciate that.”
And I will always appriciate this part of my job. Your words mean the world to me!
*If you are interested to read more about Mother Trees, check this link.
*Ref: Simard, S. May 4, 2021.Finding the Mother Tree: Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest. Penguin Books

Mother Blessingway
Mother Blessingway is a ceremony that can be organised in the last weeks of pregnancy to encourage, support and empower the mother for her upcoming birth experience, her transitions to motherhood and to let her know that she is not alone. It involves the spiritualism of birth and motherhood
During the ceremony there are many rituals like preparing a necklace for the mother by setting intentions, making the unseen connections a seen one by rope bracelets, reading affirmation cards…The ceremony closes with a foot bath and massage to the mother that represents support and sisterhood.
At the end of last month, I guided a mother blessingway ceremony for a dear friend, first time online. Ceremonies that I held in-person were so intimate and close, I was a little curious how it is going to be online however it was great! It was so emotional, calm and warm. It was so special to hold that space for her. I very much recommend this ceremony for all pregnant mothers even if you are together or apart from your family/friends. 

Birth Psychology Month
March is celebrated as the Birth Psychology Month by APPPAH (Association of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health). They organised an online film festival for this month and it is going on throughout this month. The initial screenings are on Mondays and then you can view each for another 48 hours. You can register for free by clicking.
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Congress News
I have already introduced you with 2022 Online Congress: PRENATAL SCIENCES, THE HUMAN-EARTH CONNECTION & LIFE SUSTAINABILITY-6-9 October 2022
The pre-congress events got started. We, as the country teams, are working hard for the congress to make it a memorable one. 
You can check the congress website and join the pre-congress events. 
Don't forget to follow the congress on instagram!




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👉🏻If you have missed the previous issues of doula-la notes, you can view from this page.
Aysegul is a highly committed Doula, who is not only knowledgeable and passionate about child birth but also integrates more humanistic values in the child birth process for parents and baby alike.
—Elçin&Sami H.

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