Issue 27 | March 21st, 2022
Welcome to your three-minute pause. 
This is your practice space.

Professional typos
I made two really embarrassing typos in our last 8&21 issue
Did you notice them? Maybe you didn't—but I DID (after the issue was published and sent, of course). Before the last issue went out, I was editing late and didn't ask my co-editor, Sarah Egan Warren, to proofread my changes 🤦‍♀️ Hence, typo. Times two.
The same day that I published an 
8&21 issue with two typos (rookie!), 
yours truly was also named as the 
newest contributor to WRAL TechWire, 
the premiere tech news publication 
in my region (not rookie!).
What an incredible reminder—I'm never going to be perfect. But if I can accept that, if I can accept that mitsakes happen (ha!), I can reach for big goals and learn from my mistakes along the way.
- Sarah Glova, Imperfect Co-Editor of 8&21


Instructive reverberations
“Examination of our past is never time-wasting. Reverberations from the past provide learning rubrics for living today.”

“Grace means that all of your mistakes now serve a purpose instead of serving shame.”
- Brené Brown

We are more than our experiences.
We recently spoke with Anthena Gore, Social Impact Strategist and Project Manager for Elevate, about her work ensuring that everyone has access to clean and affordable heat, power, and water.
Gore shared that she grew up in Chicago “dealing with a lot of those challenges.”
- Anthena Gore, Social Impact Strategist

How do you give space for grace and learning?

Great job!
Way to take a pause and give 3 minutes to your practice of pursuing awesome 
with this issue's theme. You rock!
Did someone forward you this email?
Welcome! 8&21 is a digital publication sent on the 8th and 21st 
to disrupt your status-quo with an encouraging reset.

Keep going!
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