
Weekly Newsletter

February 2021 vol. 3-4

Luke & Owen
Even though we missed seeing and talking with all of you last week, the time spent with my son, his wife, and our two grandsons was worth it! Our trip was blessed with good weather, half-full flights, and endless cuddles and play with the children. Although we did not publish a newsletter last week (and this week’s newsletter is a bit late), we hope to make up for it this week by sharing two exciting announcements. 
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To start things off, I'm pleased to introduce a brand new product - Links Style Garlic Sausage.
Our sausage is made with 60% Amber Oaks Pastured Pork and 40% Amber Oaks Grass-Finished Beef, along with the just right amount of salt, pepper, and garlic. The product does not contain preservatives or unhealthy additives.
Now that spring is just around the corner and veggies are beginning to become available at your local farmers market, this is a great time to try this product. Whether baked, fried, or grilled, these sausages pair well with peppers, onions, and many spring vegetables.
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Link Style Garlic Sausage
Our next announcement is just as exciting, if not even more so: we are hosting an open house, a farm tour, and a BBQ dinner.
We’re inviting you to join us at the ranch Sunday, April 3rd for an educational and fun day that includes guided tours, nature walks, guest speakers, and more!  Our tickets are $15 a person, which includes all the activities and a plate of delicious pasture raised meat and all the fixings. 
For more information and to purchase tickets, visit our website or click on the button below.

Weekly Markets

Pflugerville Winter Market hours have changed! 
3 pm - 6 pm
Every Tuesday

Monthly Markets

Be well, 

stay safe,


John & Molly
