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Hey First name / friend!
It's Week 12! Today our focus was Deuteronomy 11 - 31. 
We discussed:
✔️ Obedience and practical daily application
✔️ How to teach our children about God
✔️ Wealth and not forgetting God
✔️ Transforming the heart
✔️ The problem with rebellion 
✔️ The importance of scripture memory

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"Rebellion is the inborn tendency to give in to the lies of autonomy, self-sufficiency, and self-focus. It results in a habitual violation of God-given boundaries. Autonomy says “I have the right to do what I want, when I want to do it”. Self-sufficiency says “I have everything I need in myself, so I don’t need to depend on or submit to anyone.” Self-focus says “I am the center of my world. It is right to live for myself and to do only what brings me happiness”.
These are the lies of the garden. The same lies Satan has whispered in generation after generation of willing ears. They deny our basic makeup as human beings. We were not created to be autonomous. We were designed to be in daily submission to God and to live for his glory. Living outside this design will never work." - Paul David Tripp / Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands

Here is the page on my site where I am putting all of the archived recordings, as well as the direct link to the emails. 

You shall therefore love the LORD your God and keep his charge, his statues, his rules, and his commandments always. 
Deuteronomy 11:1

xo, sara