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Presence {Practice}

“God is with me. My awareness of God’s presence may sound like magic, it may seem to some to be the merest childlike superstition, but it meets my need and is at once the source of my comfort and heart of my peace.”
— Howard Thurman
“We cannot attain the presence of God. We’re already totally in the presence of God.  What’s missing is the awareness.”  
— David Benner
Practicing presence with God or Jesus is best described in I Thessalonians as “unceasing prayer”—an ongoing reorienting to the awareness of God. It is a gentle practice so long as we refrain from self-condemnation when (not if) our awareness drifts or we become distracted.
Presence is the welcomed realization that you are human and that the divine is content to dwell with you in the fullness of your humanity, even as you move about and have your being.  
Brother Lawrence, a Carmelite monk and author of The Presence of God, wrote, “When we walk in the presence of God, the busiest moment of the day is no different from the quiet of a prayer altar. Even in the midst of noise and clutter, while people’s voices are coming at you from all directions, asking for your help with many different things, you can possess God with the same serenity as if you were on your knees in church.”  
As my (Vanessa) spiritual director says, presence is about “keeping company” with Jesus. The psalmist puts it another way and notes that you are never outside of God’s omnipresence (Psalm 139:7).
You may recoil at the idea of God with you in your procrastination or in your thought life–perhaps even feeling guilt or shame. You may be inclined to turn away or ignore the presence of God with you in your most undesirable moments.
Yet this is when you need to be reminded of God the most. The more acquainted you become with your own humanity and God’s love with you, the more you’re able to see the image of God in the face of each and every person you see.
Meditate + Reflect
  • Consider eating a meal today in silence, mindful of the food as you eat it. Where has it come from to arrive on your plate or in your bowl? Was it planted, harvested or packed by the hand of someone you do not know? Imagine the process by which each part of your meal came to nourish your own body today.  
  • Set an intention before you take a walk to allow God to direct your route, where your gaze falls, what you notice. Converse with God throughout your walk about what you smell, see, hear and touch.
  • Ask God to draw your attention to presence while doing simple tasks throughout the day. Invite God into your thoughts. As you approach the dishes, take out the garbage or answer emails, notice when and how you become aware of God’s presence with you, in you, and for you.

Formed well to love well