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Examination of Consciousness {Art}

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Art has a way of engaging the heart and sense of being differently than the written word or song. Emmanuel Garibay’s paintings often portray victims of injustice bearing the mark of Jesus, which is a way of both affirming the image of God in all people, and an illustration of Jesus’ alignment with the suffering.
Engaging issues of justice necessitates the acknowledgement of the recent and horrific victimization of our Asian American sisters and brothers throughout the pandemic. Historically, the insidious nature of systems of supremacy have pitted people of color against one another based on their proximity to whiteness. This image is an invitation to consider the ways in which we all “crucify” one another.
Visio Divina (Latin for divine seeing) is a prayer exercise in which you ask God to speak to the eyes of your heart as you meditate on an image.  The image can be artwork, a photograph, a scene, or even an icon.
As you gaze at the painting below, consider the questions in quiet reflection. Some parts may speak to you while others may not. Allow about 5 minutes of contemplation per section, but there are no hard and fast rules. Simply be present to the image and allow God to speak to your heart without any particular agenda. 
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Untitled, Emmanuel Garibay
Meditate + Reflect
  • Consider your first impressions. As you take in the image, notice your breath and your body.  Allow your eyes to stay with the very first thing that catches your eye. Ask the Spirit to speak to you through what you’ve noticed and leave room to listen. Slow your breathing and gently bring your attention back when it strays. What thoughts come to mind as you consider where your eye first lands? What emotions surface?
  • Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings.  Let yourself begin to take in the picture as a whole, considering other parts of the image that catch your attention. How does the entire image make you feel? What questions does it provoke, or what memories does it stir up? If you were in the image, where would you place yourself?
  • Look for God. Has anything in the painting become sacred for you? Is there a name for God, Jesus, or the Spirit that arises for you? In silence, sit with what you have received. It may be tempting to rush through the steps, but remember we are practicing keeping company with Jesus. Talk with God about what comes up for you.
  • Return. If possible, return to the image throughout the day. This is an opportunity to continue to ponder and listen for God in an ongoing way. 

Formed well to love well