Hi friends,
Here is one more week of “predictable” routines before the Holy month of Ramadan visits us as April begins. 
Which parts of your routines do you want to keep, and which are you giving up to live this month purposefully?
I hope, like me, you are dedicating some time this weekend to do your monthly review, here are the questions for you (Arabic). 
I also encourage you to try doing your first quarterly review. It's such a powerful exercise, and really easy if you managed to do the monthly reviews. Please share one insight with me resulting from your monthly or quarterly reviews.
I decided to make this Sunday Spark as easy as possible by sharing a post that first appeared on my blog last week, I hope you enjoy it.

Your Kids Should NOT Listen to You, Here is Why.
I have taken a six-week course with my favorite parenting coach and author, Susan Stiffelman called Parenting Without Power Struggles.
One of the tools she reminded us to use is the turnarounds, which is part of the beautiful exercises created by Byron Katie in her books and website thework.com.
Using the turnarounds as parents and caregivers means that we need to notice the assumptions we have about our kids and then turn them around by living on their planet for a little while.
For example, if we say: “My kids should listen to me the first time I call them to get ready for bed” instead, we say: “My kids shouldn’t listen to me the first time I call them to get ready for bed” and then we add justifications why this turnaround makes sense; why, in their planet, they are right. 
Here are some great reasons why the turnaround is also true:
  • They shouldn’t listen because playing is more fun than sleeping.
  • They should not listen because they do not like to sleep while adults are still awake.
  • They shouldn’t listen because they want to spend more time with us.
  • They should not listen because their prefrontal cortex, responsible for their logical reasoning, is still developing, and it will continue to do so until their early twenties. They can’t easily associate lesser sleep with their overall wellbeing and mood the next day.
  • They should not listen because they only live in the now and don’t see how sleeping late is a problem.
  • They should not listen because they still see it daylight outside, especially with daylight saving, so it does not make sense for them to sleep before nightfall.
Do you see how our expectations and the shoulds we impose on our kids could make us all miserable?
If only we pause and remember why they are also right to feel what they feel and not do what we say, right away, we will be a little more patient with them and take time to acknowledge their disappointment for stopping their fun activities. We will tell them we know it’s hard to stop, listen to them as they try to negotiate their way out, notice as they express their angry resistance, and finally reach acceptance.
Our job as parents is to let go of our expectations of how our kids should respond to our requests by anticipating their reactions and be ready for their no and non-cooperation, even taking it into account time-wise before transitions.
I also got beneficial advice from a workshop I took with the fabulous mothers’ coach and friend Muna Shakour, who said, “Just accept the fact that you will keep reminding them to brush their teeth, possibly until they are ten years old.” “Embracing this reality”, she advised, “will remove frustration from our constant evening reminders”.
Being ready for kids to behave as kids by using the turnarounds technique is terrific and releases you from the grip of an ideal picture you are holding onto that could cause damage to your precious relationship.
What turnarounds could you apply about a belief you have?
Think of your situation and the should you believe about it, turn the should around by negating it, then make a list of reasons the turnaround makes sense.
Thank me and my teachers later.

Here is your weekly dose of The Sunday Spark ⚡️ a newsletter listing 5 inspiring things I thought were worth starting your week with: 
  1. From my desk: Don’t Wake Up Early: Advice for 5 AM Club Wannabees.
  2. You are not alone in finding it hard to let go of stuff; the book, Subtract: The Untapped Science of Less says subtraction is less mentally accessible to us than adding due to our biology and several other reasons. I only read the summary of this book on Blinkist, and it turned on some lights; I can't wait to read the book.
  3. I enjoyed Daniel Pink's interview on Beyond The To-Do List Podcast about his recent book The Power of Regret.
  4. Check Yalla N7ki Podcast on March 29th to listen to my interview with Amal Al Kadri as we talk about burnout. It was such a joy to record. Thank you, Amal, for having me.
  5. Are you thinking of doing some spring cleaning? Here is a quote to energize you:
"A soul-loving environment is a home or office free from clutter and disorganization—a space filled with elements that allow us to be and act our best. When we live or work in a place that’s crammed with too much stuff or devoid of beauty, it drains our energy. We end up feeling depressed, exhausted, and unmotivated. We don’t function well, and this can ultimately end up affecting other areas of our lives."
― Cheryl Richardson, The Art of Extreme Self-Care

What was your favorite Spark? I am eager to know. Reply to this email or share with me on my social media.
See you next Sunday 😊 First name / my dear friend.

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Some cool resources I personally use, love and recommend, with discounts just for you: 
  1. I like to start the day with my personalized Momentum plus tab, which helps me stay focused with a powerful mantra, an inspiring image, a to-do list, countdowns to big dates, and world clocks where I keep an eye on time zones of friends and family living abroad before contacting them. Being a newsletter friend, you would get a special offer of a 10% discount when you subscribe to Momentum Plus with the promo code: bardees.
  2. In the past two years, my work routine pretty much consists of going over to Brain Fm, selecting deep work mode and time duration; the rest is... focus. You get 20% discount on your subscription using my code: bardees.
  3. Enjoy 10% off my favorite gratitude journal that I have been using since 2017, The Five-Minute Journal, using the code Bardees10. One journal will last you 6 months. I loved the newly released colored covers.
  4. Enjoy 10% off my favorite daily planner, The Full Focus Planner, using the code Bardee10. One planner will last you 90 days.
  5. Enjoy a free month of Readwise app to remember your highlights from books/articles you read on Kindle or websites. 

Note: some of the links above may be affiliate links, but always keep in mind that I don’t endorse anything I don’t use and love myself. 

Have a Brilliant Week!

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