April Check In
April is here! So glad Spring has arrived & we're entering into another beautiful month.
Back in your inboxes this month with my quick communication form

Hoping this will serve as a nice reminder if you have a few things on your mind that you would like to get scheduled out & planned for your business. I'm always wanting to serve my clients to the best of my ability. This little “check-in” will hopefully do just that! 
*Kindly note: There are no obligations or commitments when filling out the form. It simply serves as a quick communication tool between us!

I'm always available by email or phone call by appointment.
You're Invited!
I'm teaming up with leanne provost for a fun home organizing workshop.
April 7, 2022
6pm to 8pm
Kankakee Train Depot
199 South East Avenue
Kankakee, Illinois 60901

Stay well!
xo, Olivia
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