Hey, Chain Breaker Hey! 

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I am raising money for a sister to escape the clutches of narcissistic & domestic abuse. Please consider sowing a seed; there is no amount too big or too small. Be led by Holy Spirit in all things. Many of us have been impacted by demonic narcissists and many do not have the resources to leave. Even if you are unable to donate, please say a prayer that God shows our sister HIS way of escape and places the right people in her path. As you know an underground network of those willing to help is needed to escape abuse.  Many abusers have set up a strategic network to keep their victims in bondage. 
Chain Breakers, 
Help us  spread the word. Please share this link with your friends, family, and followers. 

What are the goals, signs, and traits of the Jezebel spirit? Why are narcissists so prevalent in the 4-wall church?
👆🏽Catch the Replay! ☝🏽

STAY  CONNECTED,  Chain Breaker
Remember: A big community becomes small when you get involved!

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Welcome New Chain Breakers & Thank You to our new and old Chain Breakers!
God is growing our YouTube Chain Breaker community!
We are at over 15.5K subscribers! Let’s keep spreading the gospel & breaking the chains of narcissist abuse!

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Prayer Point
Heavenly Father, I pray for those that are in abusive homes that have become battlefields. I ask Jehovah to release the captives and a mass exodus out of the hands of the enemy, whether it be narcissistic families, parents, children, workplaces, spouses, interpersonal relationships, etc. I ask YHWH for provision and protection and petition the courts of Heaven for Heavenly resources, people that will help, and the angel of the Lord to come see about your children. We praise you Lord for being our peace in the midst of the storm. 
In Jesus' name we pray. 
