First name / Babe, you know what question has always made me cringe?
“What does your daily routine look like?”
And not because I think having routines are over the top… it's because I've never been capable of creating a routine and actually sticking to it (surprising for a Type 3, right)?
I've always been calculated, but when it comes to ‘routines' I'm more of an act-on-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of person. I base my day on my intuition, “How am I feeling,” “What do I have time for today” “How much wine did I drink last night?” 🥴
And although none of those are inherently “bad,” they're not conducive to results. Especially when those results require discipline. 
Ask me to plan a site-seeing day trip in New Orleans, and I've got locations mapped, events coordinated, and parking ready. But ask me to stick to a morning routine, and I'm about as useless as the ice cream machine at McDonald's.
I've always been this way, but after having kids it all intensified. How the hell can I plan a routine when I have no idea what my 2-year old is going to be screaming at by 9am? Sticking to a routine (whether it's am/pm/skincare/wellness/etc.) feels like you're asking me to become the next Gerald Cotten Crypto King (hint hint: it's never going to happen).
But the older I'm getting and the more taste of success I get with life and business, the more I crave a routine – the more I see the insane benefits of being consistent.
Because if there's anything I've learned about results it's this: consistency breeds results. 
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Business, health, fitness, relationships, emotional maturity, intelligence… it all comes from consistency and discipline.
Don't read it wrong. Natural talents and inclinations can move the needle – and some of my natural abilities and strengths have definitely benefited me in life – but consistency and discipline will always put your farther than money and talent ever will. 
Even the most talented individuals put in the consistency and create the habits to put them in those top-tiers of success. 
This season in my life specifically, I've been yearning for wellness. Not just a gym-rat who lifts weights, but wellness in the form of a strong healthy body, a disciplined mind, a clear head, a purposeful business, flourshing relationships, and confident parenting.
The reassuring thing is that none of us are perfect. There may be days you fail miserably, days you just don't want to do the work, days the energy isn't there. But those small habits you choose to do is what builds over time to create empires.
I want you to show up, First name / babe. Give yourself the chance to hit your goals, to build that empire, to create those habits that are going to give you your best life. All of those small, concentrated efforts lead to massive achievements if you just stick with it.


Because there's something so powerful about speaking your habits and goals into existence, I'm going to share mine in the hopes you'll share yours too.
I've been (internally) struggling with my skin for as long as I can remember and never realized what the affects of social media filters were doing to me.
So this week I'm focusing on:
  1. Not using a filter on my Instagram stories/videos for the rest of the week (sounds insignficant I know but will help purge some deep-seeded need to be presentable and the ‘it-girl’ 24/7)
  2. Sticking with an AM/PM skincare routine each day (aka: don't sleep with my makeup on like I did last weekend when I was drunk) 🙃
Since we're in the sharing mood, reply back with your one habit you're working on this week. 
* Keep in mind, these don't have to be massive habits or unreachable goals. You're not going to go from sedentary to running a marathon overnight. But maybe it's just one 5-min walk a day, drinking 1L of water, playing with your kids on the floor for 20 minutes, reading before bed. Pick it and stick with it.

Show yourself some love today, First name / babe.
you've earned it.
As always,