A Few Things I’ve Learned: Salad is depressing unless it comes with blue cheese. I can't fold a fitted sheet—I barely passed geometry. I know these are my elastic-waistband years, but I can’t let go of my skinny-jeans dreams. Listening to the end of an NPR program on the car radio in the driveway while my frozen food melts is a tiny, specific pleasure. You can refuse to get on the scale in the doctor’s office—they won’t arrest you. Meditation helps my anxiety, but so does THC. Bread is the staff of life, not Keto bars—I will fight you on this. Crypto Currency should be called Cryptic Currency because it makes no sense whatsoever. “No.” is a complete sentence--explanations not required. The marriage of French fries and mayonnaise was made in heaven. Amen.
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I gave a bottle of Bachan’s Original Japanese Barbecue Sauce to a discriminating friend for his birthday, and he reports that’s it’s great on everything! Spicy, but not too hot. I can’t tolerate Siracha, but Bachan’s seems right up my alley because I hate bland food!
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“Female human newborns are born with all their eggs in their ovaries. Therefore, the egg that became you was once inside your maternal grandmother’s body, when your mom was a fetus.” When I read this, it was like genealogical fireworks went off in my head. Just one of the crazy facts I found on this mesmerizing Twitter thread!
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I’ve been following Suleika Jaouad’s newsletter, The Isolation Journals and decided to hop on her 100-Day Project to Create One Tiny Beautiful Thing Each Day. I’ve done other creativity challenges and find they’re helpful if I’m feeling stale or stuck, which is me right now. The key is not to have it hang over your head like a deadline or homework assignment. My project is to write every day in my journal even if it’s only one line or just copying a quote. To pick up the book every day is flexing my writing muscle until it becomes second nature. 
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One of my daughters uses Fabric Fresh spray on her sheets and furniture by The Laundress, which sounds like a Jane Austen version of Febreze. She recommended the Classic version but added that people also love the John Mayer scent. It blew my mind that Mayer is not only a laundry aficionado, but that anyone would spray him on their sheets. I wouldn’t mind a Jack Nicholson scent (wry, sarcastic, and sexy) or Mick Jagger (all tongue and temptation), but I guess I’ll stick with Classic.

I’d love to hear about your favorite things. Email me at nikki@thedailynikki.com.


