Happy April, First name / Friend
Answer: one bite at a time! You've heard that one before, right? That's likely because it's an analogy that applies to so many things. In day-to-day life, the “elephant” we're facing might be a complicated work assignment, a personal obstacle, or an overwhelming project (among so many others). 
You may have guessed the elephants I'm referring to are all the photos you wish were preserved and organized, your family memories, or the desire to create an annual photo book. 
It's common for our emotions to take over and have us feeling like we are no match for ANY of these elephants, right? So, what can we do? What does it take to shake that feeling of overwhelm and instead focus on taking one bite at a time? 
My suggestion to overcome any kind of overwhelm is always: MAKE A LIST. Write down all the pieces to your completed photo puzzle. Then choose ONE and just start. Maybe it's the one that you can accomplish the fastest or the one with the highest level of satisfaction upon completion. (Don't overthink this!) When you finish (I have faith in you!), celebrate your success! You did it! 
The taste of that success will likely be enough motivation to take another bite. You can do this!⁠

As you start to cross projects off your list, your “elephant” will start to feel lighter and lighter and I imagine your smile will be brighter and brighter. 
Enjoy this Kodak commercial from 2005 (the early days of digital photography) as a reminder of the importance of your photos: “Keep me, protect me, share me, and I will live forever.”
Thank you for letting me help you work toward a more organized, simplified life. You lived the moments, now let's protect your memories.
P.S. No elephants were harmed while writing this email. 

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